"In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. " (1 Thessalonians 5:18 ).
I'm sure that we are all aware of this admonition. If you are like me, you usually do give thanks for many things - especially the good things. But what about the bad things? "My Christian brothers, you should be happy when you have all kinds of tests." (James 1:2 NLT) Are we really happy and thankful when we face difficult tests?
I must admit that I often have trouble doing this. The last few years we have faced numerous, unexpected trials. And while I have no problem asking the Lord to take me through them, I have not very often been thankful for them. That can be a very difficult challenge.
I also must admit that I often have problems forgetting to be thankful for the good things as well. It is so easy to take our blessings for granted. And while thinking about that, I recently began to make a list of things that I am thankful for.
Of course that list began with the Trinity and salvation and our hope for the future. It included the Bible, of which I have many, and the freedom to worship which we still enjoy here in America It included prayer itself and a Savior who is always there to listen, answer and guide.
My family is very high on the list. The Lord has blest me with a wonderful wife and a marriage of almost. 57 years. I am thankful for a family of three sons, three daughter-in-laws and seven grandchildren. I am thankful that all are serving the Lord. What a blessing.
I have also been blessed by a wonderful Christian heritage with ancestors and good friends who loved and served the Lord and were examples to me. That is very special and something that many folks don't have. Thank you Lord for those who've gone before me and were a testimony to me.
Then there are other things that I often take for granted - two cars that give us great service. A riding mower and snow blower that are so necessary at our age. And a grandson and neighbors who have been willing to use them to help care for our property throughout the year. And, of course, our comfortable home that we have enjoyed for 49 years.
And then there are the many wordily goods we have, like clothing and food. We live in an area where good, fresh food is readily available and I am thankful for that.
I am thankful for electricity which is always available here and makes life much simpler. And how about running water and public sewer? Many people in my generation remember the outhouses that used to be common. Thankfully I never had to depend upon one and I am thankful for that. I'm glad that I can take a good hot shower when needed. I'm thankful for reliable home heating. I do remember the days of coal stoves and a central stove used to heat the entire house. I am thankful for central air which makes the summers easier to take than the days I experienced growing up without ac. And I don't want to forget to be thankful for our appliances and even for our sump pump which has protected our basement.
I'm also thankful for good local medical services and physicians. While I have a few times been disappointed in the care we've received, we are blest with good doctors and specialists.
And I don't want to forget modern technology, computers and the internet which have made communication and storage of data so simple. While we still haven't purchased a smart phone because of the cost, I am thankful for our phones and even our simple cell phone. It is so easy to communicate with others.
We also have access to several Christian radio stations which we listen to almost all day and night. I am thankful for the hours of good music and teaching that are sent our way.
And there is just so much more - our enclosed porch which can be used all year and where we spend much of our time - online grocery shopping that reduces our need to shop physically which has become difficult for us - an amazing digital piano and a talented wife who plays it so beautifully.
And how could I not mention the few opportunities that I still have to serve the Lord and minister to others despite my age and growing physical limitations. Working on finances for my church and Awana, maintaining a popular weekly hymn blog and running our church e-mail prayer chain are all special opportunities.
And finally, returning to the beginning of this blog, I guess I should be thankful for the surgeries, tests, therapies and physical challenges which have become more frequent in our lives the past few years. The Lord is teaching us many lessons which He must feel that we still need to learn.
God is good - all the time and in all ways. Lord, give me a more thankful spirit and keep me from the depression and bitterness which so many older folks develop. Thank you Lord for your presence, your leading and your comfort.
1. The mercies of God! What a theme for my song,
Oh! I never could number them o'er;
They're more than the stars in the heavenly dome,
Or the sands of the wave beaten shore.
For mercies so great, what return can I make
For mercies so constant and sure?
I'll love Him, I'll serve Him with all that I have
As long as my life shall endure.
2. They greet me at morn when I waken from sleep
And they gladden my heart at the noon
They follow me on into shades of the night
when the day with its labor is done
For mercies so great, what return can I make
For mercies so constant and sure?
I'll love Him, I'll serve Him with all that I have
As long as my life shall endure.
3. His angels of mercy encompass me 'round,
Wheresoever my pathway may lead;
Each turn of the road some new token reveals
Oh! For me life is blessed indeed.
For mercies so great, what return can I make
For mercies so constant and sure?
I'll love Him, I'll serve Him with all that I have
As long as my life shall endure.