Recently I have been reading in the Bible's books of history and it has been very interesting. So many of the kings turned away from serving the Lord despite their knowledge of how the Lord had blessed them in the past when former kings had served the Lord. And they endured much pain and sorrow as a result. Unfortunately that sounds too much like what is happening in our country today as we continue to leave the Lord's ways.
But there were some kings who did serve the Lord. They tore down the false idols and led the people back to the Lord. And then the Lord blessed them once again. One of those good kings was Jehoshaphat, as recorded in 2 Chronicles 17-20.
A story that spoke to me concerned his battle with the armies of several countries which had merged to attack him. The scripture says that he was terrified when he received the news and he begged the Lord for guidance. He then ordered everyone in Judah to fast. They did that and came to Jerusalem to seek the Lord's help.
Jehoshaphat then stood before the people and prayed a powerful prayer asking the Lord to save them and rescue them. He shared how they were powerless against the mighty army that was about to attack them. He said they did not know what to do and were looking to the Lord for help.
The response that they received from the Lord was to not be afraid or discouraged for the battle was not theirs, but God's. They would not even need to fight. They were told to take their position, stand still and watch the Lord's victory.
Early the next morning the army of Judah went out to get in position. Then the king told them to believe in the Lord and stand firm. He told the singers to walk ahead of the army and sing to the Lord and praise His holy splendor. They sang "Give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness endures forever!"
At the very moment they began to sing and give praise the Lord caused the opposing armies to start fighting among themselves. And when Judah's army arrived at the sight of the battle they saw all of the opposing soldiers dead on the ground. Not a single one of the enemy had escaped.
What a marvelous and amazing victory!
Now as I read that account I couldn't help but think of the battle we are facing today against a mighty, deadly opponent, Covid19. There seems to be no hope for a victory and there is nothing we can do to gain a victory except to trust the Lord and seek His help. Our country may not do this but we certainly can.
But maybe instead of just asking for His help to save and rescue us, we need to do what the army of Judah had done - start by singing and praising the Lord. I wonder how much I have been doing to live a thankful life before the Lord during this pandemic. I tend to worry and complain about the situation rather than giving the Lord praise and living a thankful life. Maybe I've had it all backwards. What about you?
So my personal challenge is to spend more time being thankful and praising the Lord for His provision, rather than begging for His help He has protected us and has provided all that we have needed. What a wonderful Lord who has protected His children for many centuries. Praise His name!
And the battle is His and not mine. That is a challenge that Jehoshaphat has provided for me.