If you watch television news, listen to the news on the radio, or read the newspaper you hear so many unusual stories that often are very hard to believe. You wonder if people make up some of these stories. But, we really do live in a strange world where little should surprise us anymore. Today on the radio I heard of an interesting incident in a pentecostal church. It happened in a service where people were being "slain in the spirit". One lady who was "slain" fell backwards and the usher failed to catch her before she hit the floor. I don't know how seriously she was hurt but she has hired a lawyer and is suing the church and the usher for failing to catch her. Now I have four questions about this incident. First, if "miracles" were really being done there, why couldn't she also be "healed" of her injuries immediately? Second, if this event was real, why didn't the Spirit arrange to rescue her before she hit the floor? Third, if she expected to be slain and fall, why wasn't she wearing a helmet or some protection? Fourth, if she was really slain or filled by the Spirit, why would she now have the desire for revenge? Somehow I just can't see a Spirit filled person suing to get revenge over an event where they claim that the Spirit came and filled her. I'd love to be at this trial and hear the arguments from both sides. Unfortunately, I'll probably never hear how this case is settled. Well the two outcomes that I am sure of are that some lawyers will get rich and famous and that once again followers of Christ will be the laughing stock of many. I wonder if she will also name the Holy Spirit in her suit.
2 days ago
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