I am growing tired of the word tolerant. Maybe I am just intolerant. Today, when you disagree with a person you are told that you must be tolerant and accept that person's opinion and actions, even if they are dead wrong. Major companies now have tolerance workshops to make sure their employees accept everything and everybody. And so, my stomach churned yesterday when I read that a number of Islamic leaders have met to support the building of the new mosque at Ground Zero. And their plan is to open up their mosques for we intolerant people to visit, hoping that we will become more tolerant of their views. Sounds like a great recruiting technique to advance their cause. And they would like to have a week to proclaim and support religious tolerance and religious liberty. Now we "intolerant believers of Christ" know that in the last days false religions will grow and be accepted and they will play a major role in the end time events. Maybe those events are closer than we think. Now here is my proposal for supporting and proclaiming tolerance. If they can build a mosque at Ground Zero, let them show tolerance by opening all Islamic lands to allow churches to be built there. If burning Qurans is intolerant (and I do think that was a terrible idea), then let Muslims condemn and stop the burning of Bibles in Islamic countries. Let our soldiers carry their Bibles and read them in open when they are in Islamic countries. Let them shown their tolerance by allowing their citizens to own and read Bibles in Islamic countries. Let them stop persecuting or even killing those who convert from Islam to Christianity. Let them show their tolerance by allowing Christians to worship openly and without fear, as we allow them to do in this country. Let them show their tolerant attitude by allowing women the freedoms that women enjoy in this country. Let them demonstrate their tolerance by dropping their plans to build the mosque at Ground Zero out of respect to the millions of citizens who feel that this is insensitive to the feelings of Americans and especially to those whose family members died there. Now you see, at least in my mind, playing the tolerance card in this case appears to be just a way to get more of what they want. I think it is time that they demonstrate genuine tolerance by accepting Christianity worldwide, especially in Islamic countries. When they do that, then maybe we can discuss tolerance. But we all know, that isn't about to happen. Ah yes, that's right, since I disagree, I am just intolerant.
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