Two years ago this morning, my father journeyed to his new home in heaven. Sometimes it seems like just days ago and at other times it seems like many years ago. I don't know why I am so surprised, but as I look back I see so many ways that God answered prayers and directed our steps during these months. All of us dreaded being the one who would find dad and yet God prepared me for that moment. I was with him the night before and saw how much he was suffering. Yet he wouldn't allow me to stay with him. And, after a sleepless night, the next morning when I returned I knew he was gone before I even entered his house and found his body. I knew his soul was with Jesus and that his suffering was over. I had real peace during time. But I admit that I was often overwhelmed as I thought of what was ahead. First there were funeral and memorial service details. Then we had to find and transfer all the denominational financial records since he was treasurer for our denomination. We had to do the same for our church records since he served in the same capacity for our church. Then we had to begin to settle his estate and his trust. That meant cleaning out and maintaining the large house that he had lived in for about 60 years. Then there was the task of selling the house which really needed considerable work. That seemed like an impossible task during a time when the housing market was so bad. It is interesting now to note that a house a few blocks away had been listed for sale long before dad died and a few weeks ago we saw that it still hasn't sold. His sold in a few days despite its condition! I admnit that two years ago the task of doing all of this, along with my brother's death, gave me additional sleepless nights. Oh yes, we were also in the process of settling Dianne's dad's estate. And looking back now I wonder why I worried so much. God had always been faithful in the past and I knew He would be in the present and future. And He was. It took time, but step by step He led as through this process, giving us needed wisdom and providing the needed help just when it was needed. Now we still aren't done. We still have final taxes to file and that may happen in March. I will be relieved when we are finally done with this process. And I do miss dad at times. There are times that I just think I need to call him or stop by and share some problems or praises with him. But those days are gone. And, I would not wish him back. He lived a great life and was able to take care of himself and be useful in ministry until his last breath. Praise God for that. He left a great legacy. And I have learned more about wills, estates, trusts, taxes, etc. then I ever wanted to know. As I reflect upon the past two years, I marvel at the many answers to prayer and God sightings that we've had on this journey. As I reflect I have been reminded of a Gaither song that Dianne and I and our boys used to sing when we ministered as a family. Think about these words today with whatever challenge you may be facing.
He holds the future in the palm of His Hand,
And He has never failed me yet,
I know He's leading and still has control,
So why should I worry or fret.
I know He holds the future, and I know He holds my hand,
I know just as sure as I'm singing this song,
I'm a part of His almighty plan.
Cho: I believe, I believe, I believe,
So why should I worry or fret.
He said that He'd go with me and protect me each day
And brother, I've no reason to doubt
He's been so near me every step of the way
And God will surely lead His children on out
There are some people who live each day in fear
of what tomorrow may bring
but i'm trusting in One
who is walking so near
I'm talking 'bout the King of all kings
Cho: I believe, I believe, I believe
So why should I worry or fret.
And I ask myself, "why should I worry or fret"?
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