Except for the birthdays of our grandchildren, we've never made a big fuss about birthdays. They just are like any other day of the year to us. Although I guess that having them is a good thing. Some folks worry about things like hitting the big 30 or 50. Others have special "Over the Hill" parties when they reach 40. For me, those "memorable" dates have just come and gone without fanfare. But today I have another one of those "special" birthdays that some would get very excited about. We will celebrate it by working at Awana tonight. I don't mind telling you my age, but as a former math teacher I'll challenge you to figure it out. Here is your clue. This birthday is the product of three different prime numbers. One more hint - one of the primes isn't 11. Like most people, I used to think that this age was old. But I no longer view it that way, except for the way my body feels much of the time. But there are many advantages to getting old. First, you can get senior discounts at many restaurants. You can keep repeating yourself. Things you buy now won't wear out. You no longer think of speed limits as challenges. You can keep repeating yourself. Your eyes won't get much worse. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either. You can keep repeating yourself. Your idea of weight lifting is standing up. You can wear black socks with sandals. You can quit trying to hold your stomach in no matter who walks into the room. You can keep repeating yourself. You smile all the time because you can't hear what anybody is saying. But all kidding aside, there are some serious realities of getting older. (1) One is that few people want or need you or value your experience, wisdom, or advice anymore. Now it is true that some old folks won't step aside from their positions, share the work, or train replacements. But many are ready to "put seniors out to pasture" and replace them. Today youth is in and seniors generally aren't really needed for anything important. The church in particular often fails to take advantage of this potential valuable resource. (2) Another problem is the reality that 80% or more of your life is now past and there is so much that you still would like to do - your bucket list. Sometimes health or finances or lack of opportunities prevent you from accomplishing all that you desire. But really your best years are still ahead, and probably not too far ahead. Heaven looks better every day. (3) Then there is the serious concern of how your trip to that perfect destination will go. Will you suffer? Will your mind stay sharp? Will others need to provide for your care? Will you lose your spouse? But the Lord can prepare us for this and God is faithful. When you reflect upon how He has taken care of you through many years, you can rest in the confidence that He will continue to care for you in the days ahead. You are His workmanship and He has a plan just for you. (4) Finally there is the difficult fact that the number of your really close friends becomes less because so many of them have already been taken home. I do rejoice that so many of my family members and friends are already with the Lord. But, I do miss them and I realize that I now have many fewer real friends here than I used to have. This limits your fellowship and companionship and can create loneliness at a time when you might need it the most. Young folks don't want to spend time with seniors. However, I guess at times the lack of close friends can also be an advantage. A reporter asked a 104-year-old woman: "And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?" The elderly woman replied, "No peer pressure." Maybe some peer pressure would be good for us at times. We need to be sure that we don't become nasty or bitter as many seniors do. Hopefully others will see the joy of the Lord in us - even though we are old. The secret to aging and finishing well is summed up by one of my favorite hymns. "Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! PTL! And since I am old, I may repeat myself. PTL! ... PTL!
37, 31, 2...happy birthday Dad! I will be the sum of three prime numbers this year also...but you can use multiple sets for mine.
Very interesting - you gave the sum rather than the product. I didn't think about both being possible or I would have added that to the question. Now I think I know who you are, but I will need to work on your puzzle to be sure.
I am guessing that it must be 23+17+7 = 11+31+5 =19 + 17+11 since there are multiple ways. But it could also be 31+7+2 except that I'm not sure there are multiple sets. And the 23+17+7 is more likely to be up at 12:46 am than the 31+7+2. But I don't think either can do it as a product of three, so I don't think you can match your dad ... yet.
My report cards always said "rushes to be first one done" which can lead to not reading things closely enough. 2x5x7 is what you were looking for. 31+7+2=37+2+1=wrong...because 1 isn't a prime number. Needless to say, i shouldn't be doing anything but sleep at 12:46 am. As a wise man once told me, nothing good happens after midnight.
I knew my guess was wrong because 23+17+7 didn't know what I was talking about when I asked him if he was 23+17+7. And I didn't consider 13+17+19 since I figured he's probably forgotten what prime numbers are - they don't use them in making loans. Anyway, like me, you must have too much time on your hands. Get a dog! Just don't bring him here - I don't have that much time on my hands.
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