One day last week personal comments from three different people really impacted my emotions that day. All three made comments - two of them were public - about things I had done. I was surprised because I really didn't expect any of the three. One negative one came from a person I don't know very well. And it hurt even though I realize our lifestyles are very different. The other two were from people that I know who are born again Christians. One of these two is very vocal about his/her faith and you aren't with that person very long until you hear of all the "ministries" he/she and his/her church are involved in. And they are really good ministries and I think he/she is sincere and is being used by the Lord. But this person has very strong opinions and isn't always bashful about sharing them. Comments made by this person have hurt before and this unnecessary public comment stung once again. Being human, my first thought was to defend myself and strike back. I thought of all sorts of comments I could make in return. But as I thought about it, it certainly wasn't a way a Christian should respond. Better just to turn the other cheek. So I have decided not to react, but to forgive, try to forget and just move on. However, I was reminded of the scripture verse, Colossians 4:6 "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." Unfortunately, just because we are born again doesn't mean that our speech will be perfect. Our tongues still can create problems. But as Christians we must recognize the need to speak with grace to those who cross our paths - believers and unbelievers. That isn't always easy. Another of my favorite verses is Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer." I find that I need to pray that many times throughout the day and I think most Christians probably need to also make this a daily request. Now to finish my story. I mentioned the two critical comments that were made to me, but there was a third one that day. A dear Christian brother surprised me by calling just to say "thank you" for a decision that I had made and to tell me how excellent that decision was. I didn't ask for this reaction nor did I expect it. But it sure was an encouragement to me and it more than balanced out the two negative comments I received that day. God is so good. I need to be more sensitive to others and to encourage them as this caller did for me. We don't need to attack or wound fellow believers - the world does this enough to us. Let me urge you to watch what you say - and think - and to encourage somebody today. Years ago I heard "To live with saints above, oh that will be glory. But to live with saints below, well that's a different story." It's sad that there is so much truth to that saying. Have a great day! God is still on the throne and He is in control! And, keep looking up!
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