One of the classic Christmas songs is "I Wonder, As I Wander". Well, today I'm not wandering, but I am wondering. So here are a number of things that I wonder about .... How can the Sheetz just north of Lancaster be selling gas at 3.159 per gallon when the one to the west, closest to us, is charging 3.379. And about ten miles from here it was selling for 3.099. Why the differences from the same company just miles apart? ... Why can't the Republicans find just one credible candidate to take on Obama for president? It is so sad and it defies common sense. ... And while I am on politics, why are there no longer any congressmen who put the needs of the country ahead of party policy and getting themselves reelected? Don't we have any true patriots in Washington anymore? ... And back to oil. What are seniors going to do with the continual rise in the price of heating oil? My ceiling price for 2012, with a discount for being a long time costumer, will be 4.199! In 2010 it was 2.949. That's an increase of $1.25 per gallon or 42% in just two years. How much less heat can one use without freezing? ... And how can state politicians accept an "automatic" cost of living 3% raise when few others are getting raises, when folks are out of work, and when they haven't given retirees any increase in over ten years. Their pay has now increased 17.7% since 2005 while mine, which they control - 0.00%. One representative tried to introduce a bill to get their cost of living raise canceled, but he could not get any support to get the bill to a vote. I wonder why. Once again it is self-serving politicians. Maybe they all should be sent to the unemployment lines in future elections. I know I will no longer vote for one who has not opposed this "quiet" increase ... Maybe it helps to realize that half of the people are below average ... Away from politics to some more important things I wonder about ... Why are things called apartments when they are all stuck together? And why are things called buildings when they are already finished? Shouldn't they be called "builts"? .... And why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets? ... Why do "tug boats" push their barges? ... Why do we wait until a pig is dead to "cure" it? ... And think about this one this winter, why does your nose run and your feet smell? ... Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle? ... And why is abbreviation such a long word? ... Why is it when a door is open it's a jar but when a jar is open it's not a door? ... Why is there an expiration date on a sour cream container? ... I wonder, can you cry under water? ... And here is one that has always really bothered me, why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? ... I wonder why Comcast keeps sending me offers for business packages once or twice every week. I'm not a business. I don't need more of their services. I just throw the mail out. Keep the advertising and don't raise my rates as they do annually ... On a more serious concern, why aren't most people courteous to the handicapped? Now that Dianne is using a cane, I am amazed at the number of folks who won't move for her and will make her walk around them or who will cut in front of her while she is walking. Where have courtesy and good manners gone? ... I wonder why she doesn't just hit them with her cane. But I guess I know why ... Finally, I wonder why I take time to write such meaningless stuff and why anybody takes the time to read it. That probably makes you wonder, too. Now you may "wonder" about that, but please don't "wander away" from this blog. Maybe I'll actualy have something interesting to post the next time. I wonder about that.
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