One of the biggest challenges I had as a teacher was meeting the different learning and personality styles of my students. For those who were analytical, logical, organized and able to visualize geometrically, math was fun and relatively easy. But for the many others it was a real challenge and as a teacher I had to work extra hard to try to help them. As a student, I myself often found myself in such situations in other classes. Probably you have taken tests to try to learn your style - there are many such tests. I have taken several and have even administered some. However, the one that we took at Commander College 201 was one of the best and most meaningful to me. Through testing we were classified according to one of four colors. Then our team of five was sent out on a project to collect and prepare items for a presentation. It didn't take us long to see the color styles in action since all four colors were part of our group. It was a great application. As expected, I was a yellow - an organizer. My wife was a green - a helper. This really wasn't a surpise to either of us. It is interesting how the Lord usually puts two contrasting colors together in a good marriage. We would probably be in trouble and run into many conflicts if we were both yellow. Fortunately our differences complement each other. For example, my wife likes to talk to friends on the phone. They can talk for hours and folks do share with her their needs and prayer requests. I dislike the phone and will avoid it whenever I can. I would rather write a letter or an e-mail. She can meet a person and remember things like what they were wearing and their features, such as their hair color. I will more often sense things about their personality and sometimes, if I am observant, actually remember that they had hair. She is good at remembering names. When we used to work with children at Pinebrook, she could talk to 50 - 60 kids using her Grandma vent figure and by the end of the session she would remember most of their names. I would go the entire week and not remember half of the names. I had the same problem with new classes at school and the only way I could beat this problem was to take group pictures of my students. Then, outside of class I would use the pictures to try and memorize the names. (Note the organization technique.) I learned to play the trombone, logically, by following the music and memorizing where the notes were found on my instrument - very logical, but mechanical. And I no longer play because I never learned to just sit and play without music and enjoy being creative. The Lord blessed her with different skills. She can hear or remember a song and play it on the piano without music. In fact, often before programs, when she is playing, she'll ask me to whisper the name of a hymn to her and then she'll play it so beautifully, without any music in front of her. We both enjoy jigsaw puzzles, but she prefers to match colors while I prefer to look for particular parts of the picture. And I could go on and on with examples. Life is interesting because the Creator made us so different. But if we can't recognize and appreciate that fact, life can be frustrating. That can especially be the case if the other person is our boss or our spouse or our child. When we expect them to be the very same as us we are asking for trouble. I'm sure that many of us could share stories about dealing with a boss who had a contrasting personality style. My experiences could produce many more blogs, but I guess I won't go there. But I am reminded of Psalm 139:13-14, "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb, I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works; and that my soul knows very well." And also Ephesians 2:10. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." It is amazing how the Lord has created us, all different, but with a single purpose and we should never forget that, especially when dealing with others. And, PTL, I am actually improving on my ability to accept those folks who arrive late for everything, even though it is quite a contrast with my style!
3 days ago
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