One of the things I enjoy doing when I study Bible stories is to stop and think what I would have done or how I would have reacted if I had been there when it happened. I think we often forget that the folks in these stories were human, just like us. They had no idea how the situation would work out. When we judge their reactions we have the advantage, unlike them, of knowing the conclusion.
Recently I was reading about the Israelites leaving Egypt. Their departure was sudden. They left not knowing where they were really going or what they would face on their journey. As much as they were probably relieved and excited to leave the Egyptians, there must have been that fear of the unknown.
Then they encountered the Red Sea. Suddenly they found themselves hemmed in by the sea and by the desert. And then they saw the Egyptian army pursuing them from behind. They were trapped with no apparent way to escape. And out of fear they began to complain. They were terrified. They blamed Moses and asked him why he had brought them out of Egypt to die in this place. They told him it would have been better to stay and serve the Egyptians. Would we have done the same thing? Probably, at least I think I would have.
But as we look back we can easily be critical of them. They had seen the amazing plagues and the miracle of the Passover before they left. They had seen the leading of the Lord with the pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day. They had experienced all of these miracles as well as many more. We can ask why then didn't they have any faith that the Lord would provide ... in His time. And, as we know, He did .... in His miraculous way ... in His time.
But centuries later we too often face Red Seas in our lives. And they often happen suddenly, without any warning. And often we react like the Israelites. We complain and wonder why the Lord has left this happen to us. We often think He doesn't even hear us. We wonder where He is. And sometimes we may even blame Him for our circumstances. And, like the Israelites, we tend to forget His faithfulness to us over the years. We forget how He rescued us from difficult and seemingly impossible situations before. We forget that He knows all of our ways, even thought we don't. Maybe our reactions would be different if we knew the outcome as we do when we think of the Israelites impossible Red Sea experience.
Recently several of our friends have faced Red Sea experiences. Two were involved in accidents that left them paralyzed. Another faced an unexpected suicide in his family. Several others have faced other unexpected physical challenges. We too have been facing a Red Sea experience and I admit that at times I have found myself wondering if God is really listening and why He has allowed this to happen. Where is He? As I've cried out to Him I wish that He would reveal how the Sea will eventually divide revealing a dry path. But He hasn't. But then my mind is drawn to His promises such as "I will never leave you or forsake you." And He hasn't. I know He has said we should cast all of our care on Him and I am trying to do that. I recall the many times He has faithfully parted the seas for us ... in His time. And I know that He has never forsaken me. I remember His faithfulness. And I know that while He might be silent now, He is there and He knows and He cares and He has a plan and a purpose that includes the Sea.
We need to apply Moses' exhortation to the Israelites in our Red Sea situations. "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD ... The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your faith." (Exodus 14:13 - 14).
Someone has said, "Trust is not a passive state of mind. It is a vigorous act of the soul by which we choose to lay hold on the promises of God, and cling to them despite the adversity that at times seeks to overwhelm us."
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you." (Isaiah 43:2)
God delights in carrying us through the darkest of times. He is at work in our situation. Trust in Him, and allow this truth to strengthen your spirit today. Remember this when you hit your Red Sea, for you most likely will.
3 days ago
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