Tradition - the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.
We all have traditions - some are good, some probably not so good.
Too often we continue to do things, without thinking, because that is the way we've always done them. And when those things change - like church music - we may have a difficult time adjusting or changing.
But some traditions, especially family traditions, are important. They can be vital ways of passing important truths to the next generation. They can be ways to create and maintain family unity. They are important to developing a family legacy.
In our family we have tried to develop key traditions over the years. We have celebrated each of our grandchildren's birthdays with a special dinner where they can chose the menu. The celebration includes a birthday cake that is uniquely crafted for them until they become a teenager - then they get a heart-shaped cake. Over the years we have crafted all sorts of cakes - balls, musical instruments, games, athletic equipment, animals, etc. Unfortunately this tradition is beginning to get harder to maintain since many of the grandchildren are attending college or working elsewhere and aren't always available. But we have good memories.
Holidays are great times for special traditions. We have used Christmas Eve as our time for our family celebration of Christmas. Many of us attend Christmas Eve services and then come to our home for a special Christmas buffet. Then we read the Christmas story from Luke and pray. Next we look at a DVD of the past year that I have made for the family for about 15 years. Finally we open presents. It is a night that all of us look forward to. Again, we have so many good memories of those times.
One of the great memories that I have of growing up is that every time my father's family would get together for a meal, they would sing the prayer.
We thank Thee Lord for this our food, God is love, God is love.
But most of all for Jesus' blood, God is love, God is love.
These mercies bless and grant that we may live and feast and reign with Thee,
may live and reign with Thee,
God is love, God is love. Amen.
I have so many wonderful memories of generations of us singing together and blending our voices in thanking God for all He has done for us.
And that is a tradition that we have continued in our family as we sing this prayer every time we gather for a meal. Certainly God has been good to us as well as to generations of our family who have walked with Him before us.
This past Christmas we received a special gift from one of our families - a large, beautiful, hand painted display of the words of this prayer. It is now hanging in our kitchen for all to see.
Traditions can be important. We hope that you are developing them in your family - especially those that lead your family to the Lord and His provision.
1. I have one deep, supreme desire,
that I may be like Jesus.
To this I fervently aspire,
that I may be like Jesus.
I want my heart His throne to be
so that a watching world may see
His likeness shining forth in me.
I want to be like Jesus.
2. He spent His life in doing good;
I want to be like Jesus.
In lowly paths of service trod;
I want to be like Jesus.
He sympathized with hearts distressed,
He spoke the words that cheered and blessed;
He welcomed sinners to His breast.
I want to be like Jesus.
3. A holy, harmless life He led;
I want to be like Jesus.
The Father's will, His drink and bread,
I want to be like Jesus.
And when at last He comes to die,
"Forgive them, Father" Hear Him cry
For those who taunt and crucify.
I want to be like Jesus.
4. O perfect life of Christ, my Lord!
I want to be like Jesus.
My recompense and my reward,
That I may be like Jesus.
His Spirit fill my hungering soul,
His power all my life control;
My deepest prayer, my highest goal,
That I may be like Jesus.