Compared to the rest of the world, we live in the land of plenty. Most of us really lack for nothing.
It is appalling to see pictures on the news of folks around the world living without homes and food. It is also distressing to realize that there are many folks right here in the United States who are also homeless and living in poverty. I can't imagine their pain.
Growing up the only time that I can recall not being able to get things we needed was during the oil shortage many years ago. I remember waiting in long lines to get gas. I remember the restrictions of only being able to buy gas on even or odd days and of keeping several cans filled. But those days didn't last long.
Of course I did not live through the depression or through the war years where there were rations and shortages. Those must have been very difficult times.
But recently we have seen growing shortages of some goods and services. Some of this has been the result of the pandemic. When it started we saw empty shelves of things like toilet paper, paper towels and cleaning materials. Some of this was because people began to hoard these products. Then these things began to return to stores.
However, recently one major store announced that they were again placing limits on these products. Is this shortage back again?
But there are shortages elsewhere. Have you looked at car lots? The local Toyota dealer's lot has about 10% of the number of cars that it normally had due to shortages in chips. We were considering a trade in but the shortages and the increases in price have made us reconsider.
When we had to replace our microwave after our kitchen fire the store where we have purchased all of our appliances for years had none in stock. In fact they had very little stock of any product. This week I read where they have temporarily closed their one store.
We have a relative who has been waiting for many months for a new refrigerator which they ordered. They also tried to buy some new furniture and found that it would be backordered until sometime in 2022.
A local diner which we used to frequent, often for breakfast, has stopped serving breakfast. They now don't open until noon because they can't hire enough staff.
My car inspection period begins October 1. In the past I could call a week or less in advance for an appointment. I like to get it done as soon as the period begins, so this week I called to make an appointment. The first that they could take me is October 28 - a month away. I asked why and they told me that they are short staff.
The same day I called a specialist who we have seen regularly in the past. Again I could usually get an appointment a week or two in advance. This time the first available date was November 3.
We have another relative who has been waiting for months for workmen to show up to do some needed repairs to their house. Many promises, but so far no results.
And I could probably fill this blog with recent experiences with the U.S. Postal Service. We have had lost mail, delayed mail, and mail delivered to the wrong location. They claim it is because they are short of help due to covid. Now they have announced increased charges and longer delivery times.
Oh yes, I just heard that there will be shortages this year in Christmas items. So you are being warned to shop early and buy early, especially if you are buying online. Maybe we should order now for 2022.
So are all of these shortages just short term or are they here to stay? To me it appears that President Biden and his liberal democrats plan to fix things by running up the debt and giving everybody all that they want. Why work and even run a business when the government will provide all that you need? These are dangerous times for our country.
But thankfully, we as believers have all that we really need through Christ. He is our provider. There are no shortages with Him. What He has promised He will do.
All that I need is in Jesus
He satisfies, joy he supplies
Life would be worthless without him
All things in Jesus I find
Peace and joy everyday I find
When I call him
He answers right on time
When my burdens get hard to bear
I go to Jesus in secret prayer
Everything in Jesus I find
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