Sunday will mark the anniversary of "The Great Disappointment", an event which had it happened would have changed all our lives.
In the early 1800's there was much speculation about the exact day and year when Christ would return. Among those making predictions was William Miller, a minister from New York. After much study he felt that the return would come on October 22, 1844.
As that date approached a foreboding fell over New England. People gathered in churches and on mountaintops. Many normal activities ceased while folks watched the skies and looked for the sudden end of the world.
But, alas, nothing happened. Many Christians became disillusioned. Some became cynical. The event became known as "The Great Disappointment".
Miller and his followers forgot Christ's warning against setting dates. Matthew 24:36, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father".
Miller predicted a few more dates, also without Christ's return. Miller responded publicly about his mistakes, writing, "I confess my error, and acknowledge my disappointment; yet I still believe that the day of the Lord is near, even at the door.
Well I do agree with part of his conclusion. I also believe the day of the Lord is near. It could be today and we are to be ready. As He tarries there is still much for us to day in this sinful world.
An old song sums up my hope.
(1) Often my soul has been lifted above
Lost in the ocean of God's mighty love
Higher and higher, but once still I say
I'm going higher someday
I'm going higher, yes higher someday
I'm going higher, yes higher to stay
Over the mountain, beyond the blue sky
Going where none ever sicken or die
Loved ones will meet in that sweet by and by
I'm going higher someday
(2) Soon will the Savior appear, bless His name
And in a moment, we all will be changed
Then when he calls for his bright come away
We're going higher someday
I'm going higher, yes higher someday
I'm going higher, yes higher to stay
Over the mountain, beyond the blue sky
Going where none ever sicken or die
Loved ones will meet in that sweet by and by
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