We don't make a big thing about birthdays in our family, except for celebrating the birthdays of our grandchildren. But today is a very special day and even though there won't be any celebrations or parties or even presents, I can't let the day pass without mentioning it in my blog. For you see, today is my wife's birthday. Now I won't tell you which birthday it is, but I will tell you that it is a double-digit birthday and the ten's digit is a prime number and the units digit is a number which is neither positive or negative. It is an age that I used to think was old, but now it really doesn't seems to be that old. And most people really think that she is much younger, because she looks younger and acts younger. But, if she will admit it to you, she doesn't always feel as young as she looks. She has lived for many years with some very difficult physical problems, but most folks don't know that because she keeps it all to herself and she doesn't complain. She is a hard worker and enjoys being with people. She is an encourager to many people and she annually sends out hundreds of birthday cards and notes to others. She stays young by continuing to be very active, especially in ministry. She continues to teach women's Bible studies, serve each week in Awana (28 years), play the organ or piano at church (over 50 years), and work with me in musical ministries throughout the year at Pinebrook. She is an elected official in our voting precinct. One of my greatest joys in life has been to have a wife who loves the Lord and who has shared with me in ministering in a variety of ways for most of our married life. We began when we first sang duets together while we were engaged. It included with over 25 years on the road ministering as a family in churches throughout eastern Pennsylvania. And it continues in many ways today. She is a loving sister, grandmother, mother, and I also believe that she is a good mother-in-law. And she is also my best friend. So I thank the Lord for bringing her into my life and I pray that He will grant us many more years to serve Him together. So, honey, happy XXth birthday!
P.S. - If you didn't send her a card, you could leave a birthday comment for her right here. She'll read it.
Let me see...10,30,50,70. With the music clue of 50 years, that eliminates 3 of the possible answers. Wow, I finally got to use something out of my analysis 11 class 21 years ago. Happy Birthday Mom!
Happy Birthday Dianne,
Sorry this is late, but I just read Barry's blog today. Thank you for the many cards you have sent to our family over the years. It is a wonderful ministry.
Barry is right...you don't look 70, but then 70 is the new 50. Here's to many more.
Love, Pat Thomann
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