July 4 – Independence Day – the birthday of our nation – a time for celebration, fireworks, family picnics, and parades. Our own celebration of this holiday has changed. We used to enjoy watching the great parade in Lititz where thousands annually watch and participate. We used to go early, park at dad's house, reserve spots with our chairs, and then spend time with dad until the parade began. We'd also get to celebrate with other family members who were there. But that has all changed since dad died. No more easy parking or access to the parade route. So we didn't get to see the parade this year and that tradition is now gone. And we will quietly celebrate the day alone at home. We were invited out, but didn't feel like four hours of driving in the heat and we've also recently gone over our budget in gas purchases. And my age is also showing in that I don't want to fight the traffic and crowds to see area fireworks. So we are taking it easy at home. And that isn't bad. So don't feel bad for us. We have so much to be thankful for today. We've traveled a few times recently and we didn't even need passports or the approval of the government to travel. We went shopping yesterday and the shelves were packed full of food and other supplies – we have plenty and many choices. We can turn on the faucet and immediately have good, clean water. We have choices of dozens of TV channels and radio stations, including several stations that broadcast good Christian music. We have closets full of clothing to choose from each day. We were able to worship freely in our church this morning without fear of interruption or imprisonment. We had many choices of where we could have eaten lunch today – we chose Wendys. I can turn on the AC to exist in the heat and humidity predicted for this week. I can post this blog and express my opinions publicly without the fear of being censured. Despite Obama Care, I still have access to good hospitals and good physicians whenever I need them. I have access to the latest in news reported from various viewpoints and not controlled by the government. And I have the right to vote. So I am privileged … privileged to live in the greatest country ever to exist. And I owe so much to those brave men and women who have died to provide and protect these freedoms and those who are still doing so today. So don't feel bad for me – enjoy your holiday – but take time to thank the Lord for our country, our independence, and the freedoms that we enjoy and so often take for granted. Happy birthday, USA!
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