It is amazing how technology has changed even how we take our vacations. While we were back at Pinebrook this week I was observing how many folks, like me, were using technology. I wonder if something is wrong with us when we can't be without it, even on vacation. Probably not! Obviously, cell phones were everywhere. Ours was stationed in our room and we used it frequently to call to see if there were any messages on our answering system at home. We don't text, primarily because it is not part of our budget. However, it was obvious that many folks were texting regularly and playing games on their phones. Dozens had their laptops there and since Pinebrook upgraded its wireless this week, we were able to get online regularly, even from our room. I was often online to send out prayer chain e-mails, to check our mail, to read our daily newspaper, to check on how things were developing with the Penn State football team, to follow the Phillies games, to do research for my hymn blogs, to update my website, to check on the weather, and even to update my Facebook page. I used the wireless during the week to plan a trip to Wisconsin, booking our flights, reserving hotel rooms, and renting a car. Fortunately my laptop was available when I also discovered that all the fancy Powerpoint presentations that I had made for the services had to be redone. I had made them with a more recent version than they were using. It was a challenge to convert these, but, with the Lord's help, I was able to accomplish this. Then I was able to use these presentations, featuring beautiful background pictures, as I led the music throughout the week. Technology has even changed how we worship. My one negative experience with the technology came when my printer "expired". That meant I couldn't print out my daily colorful programs for the participants. Instead I was forced to use old fashioned technology - programs edited by hand and reproduced on the copy machine. But that setback didn't discourage me and I then used the internet to research and purchase a new printer. I didn't do it soon enough to have it here when we returned home today, but by tracking the delivery online, I know it is now in Indianapolis and it will be here on Monday. I have so much more to learn about today's technology, but it is so much fun, and the challenge of expanding my knowledge is something this "old guy" enjoys. But the question remains, should the technology be part of your vacation? I'm sure many of you have different view points. But it certainly was helpful to me this past week on a "working vacation" which I really enjoyed. Well, that's enough for now. After I add this to my blog, I need to go check my e-mail, search online for Penn State football tickets, order Awana supplies online, and reply to some messages on Facebook. Home or away, technology becomes an integral part of our lives.
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