Why are we here in northern Wisconsin? That's easy, we are here to visit my uncle and aunt who now live in a senior home in Rhinelander. My Aunt Ellen is my father's oldest of three sisters and she is the one with the same father (H.A. Kauffman) as my dad. My Aunt Ellen is also the one who led me to the Lord. She also helped spoil me when I was a youngster - and maybe even since that day. As a result, she has a very special place in my heart, as does Uncle John. Our families spent many times together as I was growing up. In fact we lived in the same house on N. Queen St. in Lancaster for several years when I was in elementary school. We visited them often when they moved to Connecticut, even after we were married. We continued to visit when they moved to the Pottstown area and they often came to our family programs when we were at the Old Mill Camp. Sixteen years ago they relocated to Three Lakes, Wisconsin, to be near their daughter, Nancy. We visited them here three years ago, but since then my aunt has had a stroke and other physical problems. They have now relocated to a very nice senior home where they live in their own apartment but have needed nursing care available. We have deeply enjoyed the few days we have had to visit them here and hate to think of leaving them to return home. We realize that because of the distance involved, the next time we see them might be in a better location, in heaven. They both continue to model to us a deep faith. They are prayer warriors, and like my father, my aunt has annually read through her Bible every year since she was a youngster. This year it appears that she is using the Message for her reading. I have had a special heritage and my uncle and aunt are a major part of that heritage. An added blessing of visiting here is spending some time with my cousin, Nancy, and her husband, Bill. For most of their married lives they have served on the staff of Wheaton College by managing HoneyRock Camp (honeyrockcamp.org) , deep in the woods, about 45 minutes from Rhinelander. It is a beautiful, large camp built on the banks of a large lake. Throughout the year Wheaton runs college credit classes there in conjunction with youth camps. Retreats and special Wheaton events are held there during the college year. Together Bill and Nancy minister to thousands of college students and young people annually. And they care so kindly for Nancy's parents. The love of the Lord shines through their lives and it is a real thrill to be with them. Nancy has been a real help and source of strength to me as we went through the difficult days during the passing of my father and Dianne's father. I pray that I may be able to be a similar help to her as she faces the challenging days ahead with her aging parents. We have marveled in the beauty of God's creation here in northern Wisconsin. But even more so, we have marveled in the beauty of the lives of family members here who reflect a sincere lifelong faith in the God of creation. Oh that my life would have even half the impact on others that they have had in mine. I have been blessed. And so in a few hours we will begin the journey home. Our farewells will be mixed with tears. But we depart with the full knowledge that we will meet again, if not here in Wisconsin, then certainly in our home which is being prepared for us in heaven. And that will be much more glorious even than beautiful Wisconsin.
1 comment:
I noticed a comment about Bill and Nancey Long from Three Lakes WI and Honey Rock. I knew them when I was there ('70 - '80). Wonderful people!! Hope all is well with your family.
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