I do enjoy reading most Christmas letters, especially those from people that we seldom see throughout the year. It is a great way to catch up on what is happening in their lives and in the lives of their family. This year there was one letter that really touched my heart. It came from my cousin Nancy who lives in Wisconsin. She is part of the Kauffman family that has included many who have enjoyed writing. Nancy's brother had a book published. My grandfather H. A. Kauffman wrote many sermons and devotionals and my father, like me, worked for numerous newspapers. So I am not surprised that Nancy has expressed herself so well and it has touched me. It is obvious that she has a vibrant Christian faith and testimony. The love of Christ flows through her. I thought that as we begin a new year that I should share some of her thoughts with you. She starts her letter by sharing that she and her husband are right in the middle of the sandwich generation. She says that "most people associate that term with the many pressures of meeting the needs of those older and younger. The challenges ARE many and great. Our faith is being challenged and stretched." Nancy and her husband are right "in the sandwich" at present, caring for serious needs of those older and younger. I suddenly realized that my wife and I are no longer "the meat" of the sandwich but have now become one piece of bread in that sandwich. My how times change. Anyway, after sharing the conditions of her aging parents she says "Does God carry His own all the way to their old age? Does God not yet do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine? Is. 46:4, Eph. 3:20. Oh, He does. He does!" After sharing how God has blessed their family through many challenges she concludes. "And All year long, we have seen GOD BE GOD for our parents and for us and for (our children) and our hearts are grateful, So what are we of the sandwich generation finding? We are finding ourselves in the BONUS YEARS as we are getting to see the BONUS-BLESSINGS of God's limitless care and creativity at meeting ALL our needs from 1 year olds to almost 92 year olds. The intensified pressures are only fortifying and strengthening our love and trust for our God as we are seeing Him do what ONLY He can. We are finding by experience that every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God is TRUE for the generation ahead of us, as well as for our generation, as well as for the generations following us ... that He has His special needed-manna for our parents, as well as for us, as well as for our children. We are seeing Him BE GOD for our parents, GOD for us, GOD for our children, and now, coming into view, we have greater confidence that He will be GOD for our grandchildren ... just as He said He would show Himself to be. May He BE GOD to you and for you ... just as He promised to those who follow Him by faith even as Abraham, the father of our faith, did. For God Himself has said, I will be your God, and the God of your descendants after you. Genesis 17:7" Wow, thank you Nancy. I needed that. What a challenge and comfort for the coming year! All that I can add is Amen and Amen!
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