I celebrated 80 this week! No, not my 80th birthday. Not my 80th anniversary, either. Hopefully not my IQ. This week I returned my 80th request from the Republican National Committee for a donation that was mailed to my father at my address. Now dad died just about two years ago, so we are averaging about 40 a year. And the RNC is kind enough to even send a postage paid return envelope which I have enjoyed using all 80 times. I have included "clever" remarks in each, letting them know that dad can no longer donate - from heaven (there are no credit cards there). I've even tried changes of address using the address of the Moravian cemetery in Lititz or his new email address at hak@heaven.com. I now use a form letter that tells how many requests I've returned requesting that dad be taken off their mailing list. It's interesting that most of the donation requests have come in the name of Michael Steele who just a few days ago was removed as Chairman of the RNC. I wonder how much money they waste by corresponding with deceased folks. It doesn't give one much confidence - if one still has any - in the political process. But they aren't the only ones doing this. The Heritage Foundation has now sent 28 requests and made numerous calls. And other organizations have done the same, but since they did not include a postage paid envelope, I didn't waste my money by responding to them. Then there are the phone calls that we continue to get. They usually ask to speak to Mr. Kauffman and then start by telling me how much they've appreciated my support in the past. Then I know to ask them what Mr. Kauffman they want. They usually reply, Horace Kauffman. Now what I still don't know is how all of these folks have gotten my address and my phone number. The post office will not forward "junk" mail, but somehow these organizations tied dad to my address and phone. At times it has been funny. Sometimes it is disgusting. Sometimes the calls have been a bother. But now we are reaching the two year mark. Will they stop? I doubt it. In fact I am looking forward to reaching number 100. When I do, I'll be sure to share that news on my blog. Will the RNC meet my expectations? Stay tuned!
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