For several years I have been thinking much about the term legacy. It is my desire to finish well and leave such a legacy to those who follow me. But how does one leave a godly legacy to those who follow? Last week I once again viewed a great example of a godly legacy as I attended the funeral of my dear friend Jim Herrold and spent some time with his children and grandchildren. It was thrilling to see the two generations that Jim left behind serving the Lord and honoring the Lord. This is the impact and legacy that Jim left behind. During the service several of the grandchildren sang as a group. A granddaughter played an outstanding piano solo, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness". I know Jim would have been thrilled to see this. Jim's faith was evident in all parts of this service. The prelude ended with "The Longer I Serve Him, The Sweeter He Grows". The congregation sang "Because He Lives" and "All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus", a hymn that Jim actually had requested at a hymn sing just hours before the Lord took him home. His son-in-law, Pastor Jim Lorch of Michigan, shared how even the last hours of his life modeled his deep faith and commitment. Late that afternoon Jim had spent over an hour talking on the phone to his daughter in Michigan. This modeled his deep love for his family. After the call Jim went to church to participate in a hymn sing. He loved being in the House of the Lord. This modeled his faith in God and his desire to worship. Finally, following the service he placed a call to encourage a new church attender who had fallen. This modeled his concern for others. Jim was always giving to others. Moments following the call, the Lord suddenly and unexpectedly took him home. His work on earth was done and his legacy had been established. Jim's pastor then shared a prayer which Jim prayed each morning. The prayer was found with his Bible and had four points. (1) Lord, I thank you that I belong to you and that you know what the day holds for me; (2) I ask you to take my life today and use it for your glory; (3) I ask you to cleanse me from anything which would hinder your work in my life; (4) I step out in faith today knowing that the Holy Spirit is filling me continually as I trust in you and obey your Word. Is it any wonder that Jim left such a godly legacy? He also had noted on the sheet, following this prayer, four verses which he labeled "peace" - Isaiah 26:3, John 14:27; Matthew 11:28, Psalm 23:2. Appropriately, the funeral service concluded with a soloist singing a song with the words, "Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful". That is my desire, is it yours? A godly legacy can best be created by living daily with the desire that God would take our lives each day and use it for His glory.
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