Last week I went to a viewing of the father of a friend who attends our church. The father used to attend our church, but the mother never did because she was of another faith. I only recall having seen her once before and that was many years ago at a wedding. Dianne had to lead a Bible study that morning so she was unable to attend the viewing. But I felt to support our friends I would at least go to the viewing. The widow was seated and I was about sixth in line. I had planned to introduce myself to the widow and offer our condolences. However, when it was my turn, before I could even say anything, she said to me, "You must be a Kauffman". I was stunned. How would she know that? Then she said that she had worked with my father at RCA. But that had to be at least 30 years ago. I guess that the older I get, the more I look like my father. Several people have recently told me that. And I don't mind. I wish that I could be half the man that he was. But what is even more interesting is that several people have remarked that I remind them of my grandfather, Pastor Wolf. I find that very interesting because he was a stepfather and there is no blood line from him to me. My father's real father died when he was just a baby. His mother remarried and Pastor Wolf was the only father my dad had ever really known. And while there is no reason that I should look like him, I am honored that some think I do. He was a great man of God. It is very interesting to look at baby pictures and see how many of our children and grandchildren looked the same, especially as youngsters. Physical characteristics are so often shared in families and it is often easy to tell a member of the family just by the physical resemblances. I know of one father who advised his son when he became of dating age that he should look at the girl's mother because that is how the girl will probably look like 30 or 40 years from now. I'm not sure what I think of that advice, even though it may be true. But there is a more important resemblance that we should strive for, our resemblance to the Lord. Do people see Christ in our lives? Does our countenance reflect the Lord? Does our attitude show the love and grace of the Lord? Are people drawn to the Lord because of what they see in us? Physically we can do little about the characteristics that we inherit from our ancestors. Whether we like it or not, the resemblances will be there. But spiritually we have the choice. Is it our desire to become more like him each day? That should be our desire and goal each day of our life.
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