Yesterday the Lancaster newspaper ran an article about the dramatic fall of gas prices in the last two months. And the fall has been welcome and very dramatic. The price per gallon locally had dropped almost 80 cents during that period to less than $3.10 per gallon. But before the article was even printed, something strange happened. From Sunday to Monday most stations suddenly raised their prices ten cents or more. The newspaper didn't know this would happen. Now why would the price suddenly increase? There were no new shortages, no sudden increases in the price per barrel. I can think of only one reason for the sudden reversal - the Fourth of July holiday and the opportunity to gouge the American drivers who were heading off on vacations. In my mind, much of the problem with gas prices has been the fault of the big oil companies. For the sake of big profits they have hit the American consumer in the pocketbook. They have now gotten us used to prices of almost $4. I suspect that next year we will be forced to get used to prices nearing $5. The oil companies are in control with one goal - make huge profits. Now why have prices fallen the last few months? Probably because of the recession and the fact that Americans have begun to conserve. I also wouldn't be surprised if some of the drop wasn't to help Obama get reelected in November. Nothing surprises me anymore. But some of the blame has to be put on the local merchants. In our area Sheetz and Turkey Hill control most of the area sales. It is interesting to watch how in various areas their prices rise and fall at both stations at the very same time. It is also interesting to see how one Turkey Hill can be a certain price and a few miles away another Turkey Hill can be as much as ten cents per gallon more and sometimes even more than that. Near our church the Sheetz and Turkey Hill charges are always the same. As I said, on Monday morning they both jumped ten cents. Others in the area followed except for a Sunoco station that must have been caught off guard. Late Monday night I saw their price of $3.09 and quickly filled up there for the first time ever. Tuesday morning their price jumped ten cents to match the rest. So much for the local consumer. Unfortunately, even on Independence Day we aren't independent of the oil industry. So to Sheetz and Turkey Hill I say shame on you for gouging us with your holiday increase. But I guess that is the American way and there isn't much we can do except try to conserve.
3 days ago
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