One of the questions most often asked by humans of all ages is "Why?". Youngsters often use that as a standard response when the parents tell them to do something. As we get older we often ask that question of God when unexpected things happen to us. And other times we just ask that question, in our minds, as we observe different things. Here are some of the questions I've asked myself over recent weeks. ... Why is there so much unsolved crime in this country with all the brilliant detectives and CSI units that we see on television? If they are really that good, why can't they be called upon to help out our local police forces? ... When couples walk in the morning at Park City, why do so many men walk a half step ahead of their companion? ... Why do the same people always walk the wrong way, against traffic, at Park City? Are they all from England? ... Why can't computer sales people and consultants talk in English so that you can understand what they are trying to tell you? ... Why do chubby girls wear short skirts? Why do girls wearing mini-dresses keep pulling their skirts down? Why don't they just wear a bathing suit, it might cover more than their dresses do? .... Why do attractive young ladies ruin their appearance by filling their arms and shoulders with tattoos? And why do they smoke? ... When Lancaster County doctor offices use a recorded message to remind you of an appointment, why don't they use somebody from Lancaster County who can pronounce Lancaster as residents here do? I'm tired of hearing Land' cast er. ... And speaking of doctors, why do they tell you to arrive 15 minutes early and then they are 30 minutes late for your appointment? ... Why do teens and some men wear their pants low, hanging on their hips? I saw one guy the other day that actually had to hold his pants up to keep them from falling off as he walked at Park City. How can that be the least bit comfortable? ... Why do underfunded missionaries who are trying to raise their support frequently fly all around to vacation or to attend meetings? ... Why are the same people always late for everything? ... Why do friends seem to avoid you when you are diagnosed with cancer? Don't they know what to talk about or are they afraid they'll catch it from you? My brother remarked about this and I now have the same experience .... When the economy is bad, why don't stores open on time? I often observe that situation at Park City. In fact the other day, with about 20 potential customers waiting at the doors, JC Penney Co. still wasn't open when I passed there ten minutes after the opening time. ... Why do people take such boring jobs as manning a Bath Fitter booth at a mall. Ultimate boring! I guess they just need the money ... Why is it cheaper to fly from Harrisburg to Chicago and then to Milwaukee then it is to just fly from Harrisburg to Chicago? That just makes no sense at all to me. ... Why do they sell hot dogs in packs of ten and hot dog rolls in packs of eight or twelve? ... Why do we continue to pay professional baseball players millions when they only suceed at most three times out of ten when batting, when they drop fly balls, when they make little league base running mistakes or when pitchers can't throw the ball over the plate for a strike? It's amazing that you can fail that often and still make millions. ... And while I am talking about baseball, why do I keep watching the Phillies? Why does anyone keep watching them? Why do they keep selling out the stadium? It certainly can't be because we love to watch a group of overpaid old men who have forgotten the fundamentals of the game. But that is what we are doing ... Why do we even take time to wonder about such stupid things as those you've just read in this blog? Why? Don't ask me because I really don't know why!
3 days ago
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