It's part of God's great plan. Spring is followed by Summer, Summer is followed by Fall, and Fall is followed by Winter. The seasons continue. Life is much the same. We pass through several seasons during our journey here in earth. And, we pass through them so quickly, maybe too quickly, especially the older we get. But, unless the Lord calls us home earlier, we will all experience the joys and sorrows of each. Recently a friend sent me the picture shown above. I have thought much about it quite often and thought it should be shared with you as a thoughtful reminder of the seasons of life. For many of us the days of childhood bring back wonderful memories. We had few obligations then. We didn't know about the problems of the world. Most of us were cared for by our parents. I often enjoy thinking about those days which passed so quickly. While we were carefree then, we still learned valuable life lessons at home, school, on the playground and at church. Then there was the season of courting. For me those were some of the most exciting and memorable days of my life. For many those years were troubling with new challenges - what to do with your life and who to date and marry. Some stumbled through this season but for many of us the Lord directed us and provided special spouses. Then came the season of young married lives. They were busy and challenging, especially when children arrived. At times we weren't sure if we would survive those years, especially when our kids became teens. But God took care of those challenges and we survived. Now for many of us those years are just memories. Maybe they are even years that we wish that we could have stretched out or that we could relive. They passed too quickly. But the seasons change. Then comes the "golden season" which we never thought we'd reach. Empty nests, retirement, and doctor visits. New challenges, some much more difficult than in previous seasons. But God is still there and in control. And there are many good times and great memories. Then some of us reach the next season - the one which all couples dread - when a spouse is called home by the Lord. I admit that I fear this season. I can't think of anything worse in life than losing a loving spouse. And all that we can do is realize that God won't leave us - He promised not to do that. And we are His workmanship, His creation, and He has a plan for us. Recently we have talked to numerous widows and widowers and some of them, understandably, are having very hard times dealing with this season. Time may help, but it doesn't replace the longing in one's heart. Then finally the last season is reached - the season that Christians long for when we are in the presence of God and reunited with our loved ones. Nobody looks forward to going through that final journey, but we all look forward to that destination and the great hope and promise of heaven. And as we look back through all the seasons of life we can see God's faithfulness throughout each one. And that helps us remember that we can trust Him, the One who knows our steps and will never leave us. While the seasons change, He doesn't. And that is the rock that we can build our lives upon.
3 days ago
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