You say that you no longer get a newspaper delivered to your home? Well you aren't alone in this day and age as people try to trim their budgets. But we still get the paper delivered every day and I just wouldn't do without it. Everyday you get a chance to read about the crazy people who live in this area. Sometimes it is funny, sometimes sad, and often it is just unbelievable. For example, did you hear about the problem the Manheim Township School Board had when they were forced to change the date for the 2013 graduation? Notice, I said 2013 not 2012. It seems that there was a conflict in dates with the facility that was being donated to them so they had to change the date. But horrors, their change brought a protest from a few of the poor parents of their district because their children had already placed their $500 down payments for their week long graduation celebrations at the beach. Now how many seniors do you expect can really afford a $500 down payment, plus the week's rental at the beach? Maybe only in Manheim Township! I guess, tragically, these poor kids will now need to drive their new Beamers to the beach a week later. As the editor of the Sunday News often says in his weekly column, you just can't make these things up. Then there are the continuing letters to the editors from area democrats protesting the new voter ID law. I am so sick of them talking about all the poor, elderly and minorities who will not get to vote this year. I would like to ask them several questions. First, are all the poor, elderly and minorities actually democrats? Could some be republicans? Second, how does a person get along today without a valid photo ID? They are required in so many places - even most doctors today will ask you for one, at least on the first visit. Third, instead of complaining, what are you doing to help these people get their ID's. Get off you back end and go out and help them. Quit your complaining and, actually your campaigning against the republicans, and do something positive. OK, maybe that is a good reason for not getting a newspaper - you don't need to put up with this garbage. So instead you probably reply on the internet and maybe the social media for your news. Then you may have read on the internet the new "Penn Manor Legend" concerning the Penn Manor student who committed suicide because of being bullied online. Tragic you say. Yes it would be - if it were true. The newspaper investigated and found that there was no such death and no such student by that name. But on the internet the story continues to spread and to spread and to spread. Can you believe half of what is spread there? There was also a story in the newspaper about the area young man who was arrested for rape and sexual assault in another state. The story is that a group of young girls - 16 years old if I remember correctly - met these boys and went to their house. There they drank and carried on. Later most of the girls left and went home but the one 16 year old stayed with the boys overnight. They continued to drink and eventually had sex in the bedroom. Several days later the girl reported it and the boys were arrested. Now I agree that it was wrong but I can't help but ask, what did the girl expect when she stayed alone with these boys and got drunk? And where were her parents while she was out all night? But that is the world we live in. Oh yes, one final story from the newspaper. Right now people enjoy writing letters to either support or tear down one of the candidates for president or vice-president. In my mind things sank to a new low when a writer who was tearing down VP candidate Ryan wondered if since his children were spaced out as to their ages, did the Ryans follow the birth control policies of their church. The Ryans are Catholic. Wow, now there is a new requirement for the VP of the United States. As the editor says, you just can't make these things up. Actually, often the letters to the editor are better than the comics.
3 days ago
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