Several weeks ago my wife called me to look out our back window. There, perched on our wash pole, was a huge bird. It was at least two feet tall with a huge puffy breast. We watched it for awhile and then we were able to see enough of it to identify it as a red tailed hawk. Now we have hawks visit out yard quite often, but never anything close to this size. We think that the visits of hawks are one reason that our bird population is much smaller than it used to be. Well we watched this hawk for quite awhile and it just sat there on the post. Finally we left to continue some jobs we had to complete. Then later my wife called me once again. This time the huge hawk was on the ground, near our flower bed. My wife was sure that it had something in its claws and was chewing at it. She guessed that it might have been some bird. When I was watching the hawk stopped chewing and for several minutes just turned its neck about 360 degrees, both ways, scanning all around. In fact, we think it may have even noticed us despite the fact that we were inside, probably 40 yards away. This time we could see the hawk's entire body and it was then very easy to confirm our identification. Finally the bird spread its huge wings and took off. It was impressive. I would not have wanted to mess with a creature this huge. When it didn't return I decided to go and see if I could identify its victim. Sure enough, I found the body of a large squirrel with blood all over its neck. I decided to wait until the next day to remove the remains. But the next morning it was gone. I don't know if the hawk returned to finish his meal or if a vulture or other animal enjoyed the remains. Now I would be glad if the hawk returned regularly to feast on our nasty squirrel population. As you may remember from a previous blog, the squirrels have beaten all my efforts to stop them from invading my birdfeeders. But they can't beat this new weapon. If only the hawk would stick with squirrels and forget the smaller, less tasty, birds. I was never this close to a bird this huge as it completed a successful hunt. But it was impressive! Once again it made me marvel at God's great creations. It truly was a stunning experience.
3 days ago
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