Do you remember the old television show To Tell The Truth? As I recall they used to have three contestants who all claimed to be a certain person. One told the truth and the other two lied. Then the contestants were asked to pick out the one who told the truth. Maybe this was really the first "reality" show since that seems to be what life is all about today - trying to determine if a person is telling the truth when telling a lie is so common. If you read my blog of January 13 you know that we were hit by a lady who ran a red light. She freely admitted to all at the scene that it was her fault. She was 77 and we felt that she could be trusted. In fact, when the policeman finally showed up, almost an hour later, after listening to our story he said that he didn't need to file a report unless we wanted one. Filing a report would probably have gotten this women a citation. She was upset about the accident and was concerned about her husband who was very ill at home. She remarked how calm and kind we had been. And I trusted her. I decided to show some mercy and not have the report written by the officer so that she wouldn't get a citation. As it turns out, I was really outsmarted by this little old lady. I first realized that when I had to pay the $500 deductible to get my car back from the repair shop. Then a friend warned me that they had trouble collecting on an accident when Nationwide was the other person's insurer. And, sure enough, Nationwide has denied responsibility placing me at 100% fault for an accident which clearly was not my fault at all. So apparently this smart old lady reported a different story and now it is her word against ours. Now my insurance company is fighting the decision but I suspect we will be out the $500. So I've learned a few lessons. First, if you are not at fault in an accident get a written police report. Second, do not take the word of anyone, especially a kindly old lady, who has much to gain by telling a lie. Now I am reminded that the Lord is the final judge and despite the $500 reminder, He will honor my act of mercy, honesty and Christian response. She will be accountable to Him for her action. But telling a lie is so common and accepted today. The newspapers are full of examples such as the Notre Dame linebacker who lied about his girl friend. Then there is the "honorable" Vice President Joe Biden who, in an effort to gain sympathy for his campaign to control guns, claims that he was golfing close enough to the Nickel Mines School tragedy in 2006 to hear the gun shots as the students were killed. Newspapers have checked all the area golf courses and have no record of Biden golfing there and, even so, none of the courses are even close enough to have heard the shots. And just to think that Biden is one heartbeat away from being our President. I just read some statistics that show how common it has become not to tell the truth in today's society. According to Statistic Brain, 1.6 million people have lied on their taxes and 53% have put false statements on their resumes. According to NBC, 40% say lying is sometimes acceptable. And 44 of 56 schools is Atlanta were part of a cover up by teachers who falsified test scores (erasing kids' answers and putting in the correct answers, etc.) Sadly that is where we have come to in this secular society that denies God and won't even allow postings of the Ten Commandments. So I guess we need to learn not to be so naive, even when dealing with kindly older women. And that advice won't cost you $500 as it has for me. And that is the truth! But the Psalmist has given me the words for my real reaction. In Psalm 26:1 he prays, "Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the Lord without wavering." And that too is my prayer.
3 days ago
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