Recently we took a trip by air and the experience served as an interesting object lesson to me. On previous trips I've experienced all sorts of weather. Sometimes it was beautiful and clear and you could clearly see the ground. Sometimes we've flown above the clouds where the sun shines brightly. Sometimes we've briefly flown through clouds and storms. But on this last trip it seemed like we flew through clouds almost the entire trip. Sometimes it was a little bumpy, but really not that bad. But as I sat looking out of my window I was amazed again at how the plane could be flown without the pilot being able to see where we were going. How did he know what direction to fly? How did he know another plane wasn't headed in our path? The answer is simple - radar. Radar is an amazing invention. Among many other applications, pilots can place their faith in radar and guide us through the clouds, darkness, and storms to a safe destination. And as I thought about that I realized that this is a good example of the life of a Christian. Daily we travel through unknown circumstances and clouds. Sometimes the sailing is calm, other times life can be quite bumpy. We can't always see what is ahead or what tomorrow may hold. But we put our faith in One who is more powerful, reliable and faithful than even the best radar device that man has. We know He knows not only our today's but also our tomorrow's. And our need is to trust Him to guide us through whatever is ahead. When I was growing up there was a chorus which we sang quite often, especially in prayer meetings. "My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is follow. My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is follow. Strength for today is mine always, and all that I need for tomorrow. My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is follow." And whether it be the wilderness or the hidden tomorrow, He does know the way. And He does provide the strength and all that we need for tomorrow. Maybe at times we just need to be reminded of this truth. And as the radar led our plane safely to our destination, so the Lord will lead us to the destination He has promised us.
3 days ago
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