Do you enjoy watching people? I think it is interesting to sit in a shopping mall or another similar area and just watch the people pass by. You see some interesting sights when you take the time to watch. Recently I have been watching people in another situation - using the rear view mirror in my car. Now I don't do that when I am driving, only when I am stopped at a traffic light. And I have seen some interesting things. The most common sight is watching folks talk on their cell phones. What in the world did people do before cell phones? And why must they use them when driving? And even though it is illegal, I often see folks - especially young drivers - tenting. Accidents waiting to happen. Then there are those who are using their mirrors to fix their hair or their make-up - generally women. However, I once even saw a man shaving. I guess some drivers just don't get up early enough to get ready before they leave home. And of course there are the musicians, bouncing and swaying along to their music. Sometimes you even see their hands clapping and swaying. And, of course, there are those who are enjoying some food - sometimes drinking (I hope not alcohol) and sometimes chewing on a sandwich or a snack. And then there are those who are in the midst of a conversation with another rider or correcting their children. It is interesting what you can see through your rear view mirror. But often there are those who are just sitting there calmly or maybe even impatiently, waiting for the light to turn. Sometimes their faces are blank or maybe have a smile or maybe they look grumpy. I thought about this recently when a car was following me from Millersville towards Park City. Every time we stopped the driver behind me looked so grumpy and sad. I couldn't help but wonder if that was her normal expression, if she was just tired, or if she had a real problem. Then she pulled into the LGH Health Campus and it went through my mind that maybe she was late for work or maybe she was going there for some serious tests. Maybe her face was really reflecting her fears or worries. I will never know. But then the thought came to my mind that maybe a good simple ministry would be to pray for her as well as for other folks who I view in the rear view mirror. Then the words of Steve Green's famous song came to my mind. "Everyday they pass me by, I can see it in their eyes. Empty people filled with care, Headed who knows where? On they go through private pain, Living fear to fear. Laughter hides their silent cries, Only Jesus hears. People need the Lord, people need the Lord. At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door. People need the Lord, people need the Lord. When will we realize, people need the Lord?" What a profound truth which has given me a new motivation for using my rear view mirror while I am waiting for the traffic light to change. Maybe you want to join me in this new rear view mirror ministry.
3 days ago
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