It was October 19, 2008 when I decided to create a weekly hymn blog. I'm not sure why I did it except that it seemed like it might be fun. Since then I've kept this blog going and I am astonished by the results. While this personal blog is only read by about 60 - 70 readers per week, the hymn blog now averages over 750 hits per week! By the end of June over 42,000 visits will have been made to that blog. I have trouble comprehending that so many people would choose to visit it each week. And on June 24 I will post my 200th hymn on that blog. Now I don't receive many comments on these weekly entries, but many that I have received have been very interesting. Here are a few samples. On "Master The Tempest Is Raging", Betty said, "Thanks for your blog. It's a blessing to me. I was looking for the lyric of the song which our women's group will be singing for Mother's day. I'm excited about it because it means a lot to me. Growing up in Africa with my grandmother, we lived in a slum like area and it would rain for days. We wouldn't be able to leave our bed because our home was filled with water. My grandmother, a devoted Methodist, would sing this song in Kru, a Liberian dialect. And since then when I hear or sing it, it reminds me of faith in Christ in the midst of any storm. Be blessed and continue the good work." On "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" by Rufus McDaniel, Tania said, "Thank you for posting the background information, I am his Great-Great Granddaughter and had no idea he wrote hymns. I stumbled upon this article by accident." On "Your Faithfulness", anonymous said, "Amazing. God is truly amazing. When darkness overwhelms everything and even if it seems that all things are nonsense, one thing we must hold on: GOD IS FAITHFUL AND WILL BE FOREVER FAITHFUL." On "All Hail The Power", Tammy Jost said, "Thanks for the post on another great hymn. I grew up singing it and then sang another version of it when I was singing with a trio in Bible School. I hadn't heard the background of it before. This is such a special blog. Thanks again." On "I Shall Know Him", Barbie Shadrick said, "thank you for posting a blog about hymns. Sometimes, when I can't pray for despair or sadness or maybe even sin, I begin to sing. I find that hymns have a soothing ointment for my heart. After I sang the hymn, using each verse as a prayer or praise, I find that I can begin to pray and read His word with peace and even joy. Today, I looked for the song, 'I Shall Know Him', and found this page. You have been a blessing to me, thank you." On "Wonderful Name He Bears", anonymous said, "Hi. I have been singing this particular hymn since I was a little girl. My aunt actually paid me to sing it at an Easter program because I was so scared to sing in front of people. Today I am almost 50 and my 11 year old niece wants to learn the words so that she can sing it in her church. You are so right, the words are very very touching. I know your blog is old, but I just found it today and it was right on time." For the same hymn, John Cochrane said, "I remember singing this hymn in sunday school way back in the late fifties and early sixties and have never forgotten it. The sunday school was in the town of Sawtell NSW Australia run by the late Mr Tom E. Towel. A wonderful hymn of praise to our wonderful Lord." On "It Will Be Worth It All", Terri said, "I also did a google search to encourage a sister in Christ through her trials and found this blog. Perfect!" . And Karen added, "thank you for the words that I have searched for and not found in several hymn books. Our ladies Bible study is working through 1 Peter and our fellowship is teaching end times. This song is so appropriate. A letter from a missionary today reminded me of that song and I finally found it on your site. We will sing and rejoice tonight." And those are just a sampling of the comments that I have received. I admit that most times when I go to write I ask myself why am I continuing to do this. But comments like these make me realize that there is a need for such a blog. People do miss the old hymns and they do still minister to people's needs. I never anticipated that this blog would be such an avenue of ministry and I am humbled by the response. And, Lord willing, I will start working on the next one hundred!
3 days ago
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