June 14 is my birthday. But those of you who know me will say that I must be losing it. My birthday is really April 6. Yes, April 6 is my first birthday, my physical birthday, and this year I turned 71 on that day. But June 14 is my second birthday, my spiritual birthday. And on June 14 I will celebrate my 67th birthday in the family of God. For you see, I was only four years old when my Aunt Ellen, who we visited last week in Wisconsin, led me to the Lord. Now I will admit that I knew little about Biblical theology at that time, but I do know that I knew that I was a sinner and that Christ died for my sins. And in childlike faith I accepted His precious gift of salvation at that time. And over the years I have learned much more about that gift and I have grown in the Lord. But nothing has changed the assurance that I received as a youngster that I was now in God's family and nothing could take that gift away from me. But there are critics out there who don't believe that a child can be saved. It is sad to hear that argument because Christ himself welcomed the children and talked about childlike faith. But as we get older and think we are more intelligent we try to make this decision so much more difficult. We debate the theology of salvation. We set up our own standards and we often even judge those who believe they are saved. And at times our so-called wisdom may just build up obstacles for others. In reality, it is so simple that a child can make this decision yet so profound that outside of God's mercy and grace it can't be explained. I guess my experience and the experiences of many others is one of the reasons so much of my life has been devoted to reaching children. I started helping to teach children in a Good News club in junior high. In senior high I was teaching Sunday School and then leading the youth department. In college I worked in DVBS's. Later I became Sunday School Superintendent. Then for 25 years we had a family ministry, traveling weekly to present about 100 programs a year for parents and children. In the summers we would lead an average of six summer rally Bible Schools. Then it was Awana and for 30 years we have worked in that special ministry to reach children with the Gospel of Christ. Now if you tell me that children can't be reached for the Lord, then that will contradict what I have personally seen happen in all of these years of ministry to children. And it will tell me that the decision that I made 67 years ago means nothing. But that will never happen because the presence of the Lord in my life all of these years is the best proof that I need that children can be saved and their lives can be changed. For it is still very real to me. As Jesus said, don't prevent the little children to come to Him for of such is the kingdom of God. Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so!
3 days ago
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