We have just been invited by our newest neighbors to attend a picnic at their house later in June to witness them renew their marriage vows on their 20th wedding anniversary. We are looking forward to that event to get to know them better, to encourage them in their married life, and to support the sacredness of marriage. We have witnessed other couples do this, especially on their 50th anniversaries. Now that is a very nice thing to do and I respect those who do it. However, we have not chosen to do this because we feel that we remember and obey our vows daily and have done so for 50 years. On June 2, 1962, we were asked "Do you take this one to be your true and wedded husband/wife and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to love, honor, cherish, obey, and protect her/him and her/him only ... and we have done that and will continue to do so. I'd give my life for her if I had to.... to forsake all others ... I have honored that for 50 years ... and we said yes to that vow on our wedding day and we would never consider doing otherwise. Then the vows continued ... to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer ... the poorer part came in the early days of our married life. And while we had little then, they were good years as we sacrificed together and saw God work and provide. All young couples should have to go through such challenging times to learn to depend upon the Lord, to grow closer to God and closer to each other. What precious memories. As far as the richer, I doubt that we ever experience what some call riches, no matter how many years we have together. But when I look at what God has provided for us (see my June 2 blog) I realize that even if I had all the money in the world, I couldn't be richer than I am now. ... in sickness and in health ... and we have experienced both. From kidney stones to cancer, from biopsies to a variety of tests, from feeling lousy to feeling great ... to love, cherish and obey .... not difficult at all .... till death do us part. I think the worst thing in life is the death of a long time spouse. I can't even imagine the pain and loss that widows and widowers face. It is something that you wish would never happen. But, unless the Lord returns first, it is an experience that couples can't avoid. And if both know the Lord then all one can ask for is the very special peace and comfort that only the Lord can provide in those times of deep sorrow and hurt. Now I know it is an old fashioned idea, but I believe that a vow made before God and other witnesses is sacred and must be kept. Unfortunately, more and more couples today never get over caring only about their own personal needs and sacred vows mean very little. They are just another formality to be forsaken if and when it becomes convenient. Oh may more couples realize the sacredness of making and keeping marriage vows before the Lord. And so, as we begin our second 50 years together, I don't feel the need to have a special ceremony to renew these vows. But, I do feel the need to live them out everyday - or 24/7 in today's jargon.
3 days ago
1 comment:
thank you dear, I agree.
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