Our October hymn sing was titled "Serving Joyfully". As part of the program we showed a DVD by Max Lucado, "The Fear Of Not Mattering". After the DVD I shared some observations that I've had about the decisions folks often make about serving the Lord as they reach their senior years. Afterwards a retired pastor thanked me for my comments and said that somebody needs to share this topic - not only with seniors, but with all ages. But seniors in particular do face this fear for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is the physical challenges of getting older that prevent them from serving, or at least serving as they have for years. Sometimes it is the false belief that they've put in their years and now somebody else should serve instead. And, unfortunately, sometimes seniors just aren't needed or used. Even ministries often favor those who are young, full of energy and physically able. And when you are no longer needed or valued by a ministry, you can easily develop the attitude that you really don't matter anymore. And this fear of not mattering isn't just limited to seniors. It can affect all adults as well, especially men who often see their personal worth in what they do or what position they hold. Recently I have been using a new devotional book, "Living In The Psalms", by Charles Swindoll. Some of his comments on Psalm 8 (take time to read it) caught my eye and mind. Here is some of what he said. "It's humbling to think that the Creator of the universe, whose power, knowledge, and goodness show no limits, actually cares about us and loves us individually and personally. Think about how difficult it would be to reach the CEO of a major corporation to discuss your problems with a product. Or imagine trying to get a few moments alone with the President of the United States to talk about your foreign policy concerns. We all know how poorly that would turn out. It's not their fault; with limited time and energy they have to prioritize. Furthermore, we who have large families sometimes find it difficult to stay current with all our little ones. Keeping up with the daily lives of our ten grandchildren could turn into a full-time job; almost impossible for mere man. So, the fact that the Ruler of the universe takes personal care of me is more than I can fathom. He takes a personal interest in each one who trusts in Him. He adds oil to our grind of feeling overlooked by reminding us of His personal interest. Perhaps as you read this you feel alone, deserted. What a distressing, barren valley is loneliness! But listen! If you have the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you have a constant Companion and Friend. He never leaves you in the lurch. This psalm is positive proof that He does not consider you unimportant or overlook you. He isn't irritated by your coming to Him with your needs. He never looks upon your prayers or requests as interruptions. Even as James reminds us: He gives "generously and without approach" (1:5). He provides good gifts without "variation or shifting shadow" (1:17). Do you know why? The answer is Grace - sheer, undeserved, unmerited, unearned favor. Therefore, right now, cast your feeling of insignificance and despair on Him."
3 days ago
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