No, I did not watch the debates. That doesn't mean I'm not interested in this presidential election. Far from it. It means that I know who I am voting for and no debate is going to change my mind. And I can always predict the outcome of the debates before they even happen. It never fails that the Democrats will claim that they have won and the Republicans will claim that they have won. And all over television, on the internet and in the newspapers they will make these claims. Now I must admit that a few weeks ago I did hear candidate Ryan interviewed on the radio show Focus on the Family and I was thoroughly impressed, especially with his views on morals and the family. That clinched my vote for him, although that really wasn't ever in doubt. Incidentally, Biden was also invited to share his views on that program but I don't think he ever responded. But there is no question that my vote will be for Romney and Ryan. Here are the important issues to me. First there is the economy which is in terrible shape. People are out of work. More are now classified as poverty than ever before. Do I think either candidate can solve the economic woes? I'm not sure, but Obama has had four years to do so and he has just made things worse - no matter what he says. Who do I trust more, a former community organizer or a man who has successfully led a state as governor and even more importantly, major businesses? I'll take my chances on the latter. Then there are family values and moral values. Obama has refused to enforce the Marriage Defense Laws. He has advanced the homosexual agenda which is contrary to Biblical marriage standards. And given four more years of the same, it can only get worse since he will no longer be accountable to the voters. Now would I prefer an evangelical Christian as president rather than a Mormon? Certainly, if he were qualified. However, there is no question that the Mormons stand for many of the important moral and family values that true Christians stand for. And I trust Romney much more than Obama with these key issues. As somebody told me, we are electing a president, not a pastor. When it comes to international events and security, the president may have more experience than Romney, but I personally feel that we have lost ground around the world during the past four years. And it is so wrong that we have wavered in our support of Israel. We need stronger policies and actions. It also upsets me that the president and his party have tried to evade defending their record by bringing attention to Romney's wealth and tax returns. Now come on, when you have that much money, what does it really matter how much you have. Both candidates are really millionaires. And the president has continually spent huge amounts of our money to send his wife to exotic vacations all over the world. Is that something the middle class could do? And I am appalled at his attempt to create class warfare and to distribute wealth to all - isn't that socialism? But I guess my biggest fear and criticism is the fact that he has attacked religious liberties unlike any former president. And I think these liberties are at risk in this election, especially since the next president will probably make key appointments to the Supreme Court and those choices will tilt the court to that president's views, whether they be liberal or conservative. So much is at stake in this election - maybe even more than ever before. For that reason my vote is for Romney. Let me remind you -to stay home and not vote is a vote for Obama. To vote for another candidate such as Ron Paul is also a vote for Obama. Now I wish that I felt better about the probable outcome of this election but I have taken this concern to the Lord in prayer. I hope that you are doing the same. And, regardless of the outcome, we must remember that God is still in control and we need to accept whatever He allows to happen. But, hopefully, the Lord's return is near anyway.
3 days ago
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