Facebook - is it of any value? Months ago I decided to try Facebook. I'm not sure why, probably because I was curious. Over the months I have obtained 72 Facebook "friends". I don't go looking for new friends but I will generally accept those who ask to be my friend. And, for a variety of reasons I have not accepted some invitations and have also eliminated some who I had originally accepted. But my so called friends rarely respond to anything I post. In fact, of the 72 who are listed as my friends, I think I have only ever seen or received responses from 24. It can't be my bad breath or deodorant since you can't smell on Facebook - at least not yet. Maybe I am just that dull or over the hill. However, I do enjoy hearing from some of my friends once in awhile, especially those who are my relatives. But I do often wonder if it is a waste of my time. As I pondered that question this week I did think of several good things that have happened because I was on Facebook. Recently a former student of mine and an ex-Awana clubber found me and I have enjoyed catching up with him. He has completed his doctorate at Michigan and is now teaching at a college in Minnesota. That was special. I also found that I could use Facebook to get some action from UGI on the restoration of my lawn. By posting pictures on their homepage I was able to get the original work done. But when I wasn't satisfied with their work I posted follow up pictures and again got their attention. I am convinced that without my postings on Facebook they would have continued to ignore me. I also was able to participate in a Facebook contest run by Isaac's Restaurant in which I shared a story and picture of my father. Several Facebook friends helped vote for my story which came in second. And for that we received a $100 gift card to use at any of their restaurants. My fourth positive experience on this social media involves Awana. I have enjoyed following the postings on their page and I have picked up numerous ideas which were shared by others. I have also been able to help others with their questions by providing suggestions which have worked for us. That is one of the real positive uses of Facebook. So I guess with those four positive experiences I will continue to participate, at least for a little longer. But as far as daily sharing and give and take, I guess maybe I am too old for most of my friends. It appears that most who participate that way are women or young people. Maybe men are just as private on Facebook as they are in real life. Well, if you are one of my friends on Facebook, please drop by and at least say "hi". (If you don't, maybe I'll just defriend you!)
3 days ago
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