Today is a day that I faced with very mixed emotions. It is the day that I settled on the sale of my parents' home. They built it in the early 1950's and lived there until the Lord took them to their new home - heaven. My parents moved frequently in the early days of their married lives. In fact, I think I lived in nine different locations until we moved to the home that they built in Lititz when I was in fourth grade. Even as a child I realized how nice it was to finally have a place that was really home. No longer were there fears of moving, going to new schools, and forming new friendships. And so, until I was married, that was my home. Since we were married, we lived in just four different locations and we have been in our present location since 1969 - forty years! I guess there are advantages to moving frequently - such as downsizing all the junk you collect. But there are certainly advantages to more permanent places to call home. We built many great memories in the home that I sold today, but life moves on, and so must we. And nothing can take away from those memories. But I thank God for His leading in the sale of this home. Since the death of our parents, life has been filled with stressful events for Dianne and I. We've spent most of our time the past nine months trying to settle two estates. I now have a new appreciation for executors of estates. The biggest hurdle was cleaning out my dad's house and selling it. We tried for several months to find a family buyer so we could keep the house in the family. But that wasn't to be the Lord's will. Finally, the end of August, we prayerfully placed it on the market. Despite its great location, we were concerned that it might be hard to sell. The housing market has been depressed - a buyer's market - and many homes in Lititz have been on sale for months. Dad's house will need plenty of cosmetic work on the inside - carpets, painting, wallpapering, etc. We did a good bit of work on the outside to increase its curb appeal. Then we placed it on the market. It was listed on a Friday and we continued to pray. Early Wednesday morning I received a call from our real estate agent who told me that we had a signed agreement with a down payment of $2,000. And after some negotiations, inspections, and final repairs, today we settled. Should I have expected any different after turning it over to the Lord? He had it all under control, despite my concerns. And as we approached settlement, I was reminded over and over that these buildings we call home are really temporary. Even our lives are like tents as we take our brief journey on this earth. Our real home is being prepared for us in heaven. Jesus said that He was going to prepare a home for us. And if He said that, He will do it. Today I have been thinking of some old choruses. "Home sweet home! Home sweet home! Where we'll never roam! I see the light of my mansion so bright, my home sweet home!" and "Heaven is a wonderful place, Filled with Glory and Grace, I want to see my Savior's face Heaven is a wonderful, Heaven is glorious, Heaven is a wonderful place." And so while I signed away the house in Lititz, I realize that it is just a house, not really home. My real home is ahead. So where is your real home today?
6 days ago
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