Music has always been a vital and outstanding part of the ministry of Faith Bible. In the very early days piano players were often scarce, but the Lord always provided when there were needs. There were a number of times that the church had to "borrow" a neighbor to play the piano, but folks like Ginny Carroll, Dora Gehman, Beth Weiss, and Helen Warfel Dusman often played. Sharon Irwin Gantz was a beginning piano student when she began to play for me as I led the children's department and she continues to play for us today.
Dave Shickley, an outstanding pianist, took over as our regular piano player and choir director in the sixties and continued in that capacity for about 15 years. Pat Durco Thermilus also has played both organ and piano since those early years. Dianne Kauffman became our first regular organist when we received our first organ in 1969 and she has played both the organ and piano regularly since that time. Marlene Varner was a regular on the piano for many years and now her daughter, Sharon Winters, plays keyboard in the praise band. A number of years ago, after moving to Lancaster, Karen Groff also became a regular organist. Iin recent years the Lord has blessed us with so many more and today we have nine or ten who take turns playing preludes and offertories.
We have also been blessed with many excellent instrumentalists. Ginny Carroll was a great cello player in the early days. Dick Matthews has played a beautiful sax here for almost fifty years. Pastor Thomann has blessed us with his trumpet. Others have played trumpets, trombones, clarinets, French horns, flutes, violins, and a variety of other instruments. Several of our teens have excelled in Teens Involved. And of course, we now have a number of string and percussion players who share in our praise teams. These have been led by Mark Guthrie and Pastor Thomann.
We have been very blessed with many outstanding vocalists from the beginning of the church. As a teenager I organized and directed our first choir in 1958 and since then we have had many talented choir leaders – Dave Shickley, Mark Guthrie, Pastor Thomann, Katie Wieand - and choirs who have presented outstanding cantatas and special concerts. Numerous special vocal groups have ministered to our congregation over the years – Dianne and I sang duets for years, the Kauffman Trio (Dianne, Jeanne, Kendy), the Matthew Sisters, the Mixed Quartete (Gary and Marlene Varner, Dianne and I), male quartets, Pastor Thomann and Tara, Trio of Pastor Thomann, Tara Wise, and Wanda Kilby, and numerous others.
And we have certainly been blessed with many outstanding soloists. It would be impossible to list all of those who have ministered with vocal solos, but there are several who stand out who have really been outstanding. The first of these was Dick Burdess with his beautiful baritone voice. Then there is Wanda Kilby who has ministered to us for many years. And one would also include Shawn Davidson, Brian Frable, Craig Tress, and most certainly, Katie Wieand.
God has blessed Faith Bible for 60 years with gifted musicians who have used their gifts to lead us in worship. And that certainly has been one of the things that has made Faith Bible a special place to worship.
Picture is of our transition facility at the former Calvary Church
Part 6 coming tomorrow
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