Clearly one of the strengths of Faith Bible Fellowship's ministries over the years has been its outreach to children. In the early days we had a strong connection with Child Evangelism Fellowship that carried over to the church. Women, such as Dolly Kauffman, attended CEF training classes, conducted weekly clubs in their homes, and taught in Sunday School. As an elementary student I first became involved in children's ministry by helping her teach her club.
Selma Burdess was trained by CEF and has remained involved with them for many years. She also faithfully led our Beginner's Department for many years until retiring a few years ago. Betty Matthews lovingly taught younger children for many years and Pat Durco Thermilus continues to teach and lead our children today, as does Marie Jones. Patty Laxton ministered to our young children before moving to Maine. Aletha Kauffman and Dianne Kauffman taught juniors for many years. These and many more folks faithfully ministered to several generations of our children.
As a teenager I led the elementary children's department and later, when I was married, Dianne and I directed and taught this group for many years. Several years we took over 30 of our juniors for a week at CEF's day camp. Recently, under the leadership of Laura Parke, our church has annually sent large groups of our children for a week at Victory Valley, our denomination's children's camp. For many years Sharon and Dave Winters enthusiastically led the children's department in Sunday School and they challenged the children to complete summer projects which helped them grow spiritually.
Vacation Bible Schools have always been a key outreach, from the early days in the tent meetings to the exciting programs now held each July. We often had rally type VBS's led by folks such as Katherine Hershey and the Greiner Family. For many years our family led the programs as part of our family ministry. In recent years Kim Spangenburg and a large group of volunteers have continued to expand this vital summer outreach with an exciting summer program. New programs such as the Easter Egg Hunt and the Fall Family Festival have been well attended.
In 1974, after attending a convention, Pastor Dunn returned with a desire to start a bus ministry. For several years a variety of busses and limos were used to bring in dozens of city children. In turn, a new Wednesday night ministry was begun which for several years allowed us to reach and teach children of various backgrounds and cultures.
In the years following that, a number of different children's programs were explored but nothing seemed to meet our needs. Then in 1980 Pastor Thomann suggested that we consider Awana. After meeting with an Awana missionary we decided to hold a three-month training class. If at the end of the class the Lord would give us 12 leaders who were willing to commit to the ministry, we would begin Awana. In January, 1983, the Lord provided us with more than 20 and Awana took off. Since then about 250 different men and women have been trained and certified and have served in this ministry. And during that time thousands of area children have been reached for Christ. Dianne and I have had the joy of leading this program for 28 years and 18 leaders have now served in Awana for 20 or more years.
Clearly, as Faith Bible has made ministering to children a priority for 60 years, families have been reached and strengthened, leaders have been developed, and individuals have come to know the Lord and grow in Him.
Picture is of some of our Awana clubbers who have earned Sparky and Timothy Awards.
Tomorrow - Part 7
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