Thank you for your taking time to read my blogs. I realize that I don't have a large audience, but I do appreciate those of you who have faithfully visited. My wish is that you and your family would have a blessed Christmas and a prosperous 2011. As part of that wish, let me share with you something a little different today. For over 40 years the Lord gave Dianne and I a chance to minister in music by singing duets together in a variety of places such as our church and in our family ministry. We enjoyed using the gifts that God has given us to share with others. But our traveling ministry ended and the Lord blessed our church with so many talented vocalists that our duets weren't needed there anymore. However, up until a few years ago, for about 25 years, I planned and directed our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at church. It was a very traditional service using the talents of our musicians. And in that context we still were still able to sing, often as a family, and annually as a duet. We alternated singing "The Babe In The Manger" and "Christmas Within Your Heart". The latter was a song that I had written the words and the music for to sing as a duet at our Candlelight Service. The song has long been forgotten and no longer sung, but as my "Christmas gift", I am sharing the words today. Hopefully these words will be your testimony this year.
God gave peace at Bethlehem, when the Saviour came,
But greater far God's Gift of peace,
That floods your soul, when in your heart,
God's perfect gift you receive.
Christmas within your heart, Christ reigning within,
God's perfect gift was His only Son,
Your salvation to win.
Christmas within your heart, Christ reigning within,
Won't you this moment His gift receive,
Then you too will know, of the peace He brings,
When the Lord reigns supreme in your heart.
God gave life at Bethlehem, life abundant and free,
Do not reject His precious gift,
New life He gives, when in your heart,
God's perfect gift you receive.
Christmas within your heart, Christ reigning within,
God's perfect gift was His only Son,
Your salvation to win.
Christmas within your heart, Christ reigning within,
Won't you this moment His gift receive,
Then you too will know, of the life He brings,
When the Lord reigns supreme in your heart.
God gave joy at Bethlehem, Of joy the angels sang,
But greater far God's gift of joy,
That you can know, when in your heart,
God's perfect gift you receive.
Christmas within your heart, Christ reigning within,
God's perfect gift was His only Son,
Your salvation to win.
Christmas within your heart, Christ reigning within,
Won't you this moment His gift receive,
Then you too will know, of the joy He brings,
When the Lord reigns supreme in your heart.
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