It started in 2004 after we had just returned late in March from a vacation to Florida. For April Fool's Day I sent out a message that we had enjoyed Florida so much that we had purchased a home there and would be moving there within a few weeks. The response was unbelievable. Friends couldn't believe it. Many called and some even cried. The church administration planned to call a meeting to see who would replace us in Awana. And since then my April Fool's Day fun has continued annually with less successful messages on taxes on bulk prayer chain e-mails, taxes on gum, and a variety of other issues. This year's prank - The Taco Liberty Bell - was not original (see my April 1 blog). I found the idea on the internet and personalized it. Unfortunately, too many folks now anticipate this trick and aren't fooled. Here are some of the responses I've received this year. ... "Not this time but I sure came close! Great job as usual and great fun anticipating!" ... "Your reputation precedes you this time Barry!" ... "Another good one Barry. Gee I wonder what the date is." ... "It is always the day after our anniversary, so I've got your number by now." ... "Taco Liberty Bell? Not going to go there, Barry! Funny though! Enjoy getting these every year! Don't stop, even if few people actually fall for it! It just adds a little humor to the day." ... "I know Barry. What is next the McDonald Gate Bridge since they both have golden arches?! Happy April 1st!!" ... Now there is an idea for another year. ... "I knew all along it was going to be an April fools joke. But I had to click on the link any ways." ... And then there are those that are internet savvy, at least almost internet savvy ... "APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! (I check EVERYTHING I read online against Snopes!!)" ... "You are so bad!!!!!!!!! I went to your site but I was thinking I really should go through Snopes.com first to make sure!!! Good one!! Have a "foolish" day!!" ... Some had good advice to offer to me ... "Do you think about April fool's day all year? You do it to us every year and there are still those who fall hook, line and sinker. Some year you need to research something very odd but very true. Now that would be a good April fool's day joke. Have a great day." ... "You have too much time on your hands. Why don't YOU start some Mac workshops!?!" ... Then there was a "new" friend who hadn't received one from me before. Her response was ... "Are you aware that this is an April Fool's hoax?" ... Unfortunately, she, like so many of my readers, didn't click on the link that explained this. It also had a counter to see how many went there. Unfortunately, fewer than half of those who received my e-mail did. I guess they thought the whole thing was just disgusting. (I won't say that they were poor sports! Maybe they just don't enjoy a good joke!). But there were some who did get tricked and their comments were great. ... "You are too funny Barry. That was cute." .. "I have to tell you, I fell for it and I was upset about it. I was home schooling the kids when I read it. I told them about the email and said I could not believe they would mess with a national monument like that. I said "that's a part of history." Ha ha ha Barry. You got me. (it was my husband that clued me in that it was actually a hoax)." ... "Yesterday my husband said to beware of Barry on April Fools Day, he will be out to get us. Well, you got me ... of course that is not very hard to do." ... "I really did know I wasn't the sharpest tac in the box, but you've made me feel really, really dull. :) You're very, very persuasive in your writing!!!! :)" ... "I must tell you, my husband was telling me about your e-mail this morning (he hadn't clicked on your link), and he was a bit "worked up" about the Liberty Bell being called the "Taco Liberty Bell". He bought it …. Hook, line, and sinker. I'll just say, you better watch your back." ... So I am now watching my back. Not sure if I'll try this one more year or not. But if I do, be a sport and humor me. And have a good laugh - we all need to do that daily. And by the way, here is one for you to check out that I think is good, http://chocoley.com/onlinesamples, especially for you chocolate lovers. And finally, if you wonder what the dog picture had to do with this blog, I'll quit with one final response that I received ... "the Taco Bell dog says, "Yo quiero Taco Bell?""
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