He is Risen! What a special day is Easter when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. It was a day that set Him apart from all other religious leaders because, unlike any other, He had conquered death. Salvation's plan was complete, except for the decision that all humans must make to accept or reject his free gift. Easter has always been a very special day for me. I've now seen 70 of them (that should answer my age puzzle for those who couldn't solve it). Many of my memories are of special church services and cantatas. I also have fond memories of the Moravian Trombone Choir which plays on street corners around Lititz before sunrise and then again at the sunrise service in the cemetery at the end of "our" street. Most of my memories were of hearing them play early Easter morning while we were still in bed. However, a couple of years I actually played with them - great memories. This week the Lititz newspaper published a picture of the trombone choir at a sunrise service in the late 1950's. The picture wasn't very clear but I think I can find myself and a few of my friends in the photo. But Easter has also been a time for family. After we were married, my parents always graciously allowed us to spend most other holidays with our in-laws. However, on Easter we would attend Sunday morning services together and then go to their home in Lititz for Easter Dinner. We would share the afternoon together, including a traditional egg hunt for the grandchildren. Some would play games and some took a nap. Dad would update the morning church finances. When the weather permitted, I would take a walk through Lititz. It is a great town in which to take an afternoon walk and explore and I really miss those special opportunities to do so. Then we would eat a light supper before heading back to Lancaster to participate in the evening service which was usually a cantata. My favorite memory of the Easter food was mother's great macaroni salad which she made for the evening lunch. No matter how hard we have tried, nobody has been able to recreate her macaroni salad, although our son Ken has come close. It is one of those things that is gone forever. I really miss her salad, but even more I miss my mother and dad and my brother who are now celebrating together in heaven. We have continued some of the tradition with our family. Generally most of our kids are able to come, after church, for dinner. We sing the our traditional prayer together, enjoy a good meal, and then hold a hunt for the kids. As our grandchildren are now growing older, there are fewer "hunters" remaining, but we do have more "hiders" now. Did you know that egg hunts are also a great activity for seniors? We seniors can actually hide our own eggs because we won't remember where we hid them! But seriously, I hope that you have a blessed Easter, worshipping our great Lord and, hopefully, spending some time with family. Many years ago, Charles Wesley penned these great words: "Christ the lord is risen today, Al-le-lu-ia! Sons of men and angels say, Al-le-lu-ia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Al-le-lu-ia! Sing ye heavens and earth reply, Al-le-lu-ia! Lives again our glorious King, Al-le-lu-ia! Where O death is now thy sting? Al-le-lu-ia! Dying once He all doth save, Al-le-lu-ia! Where thy victory O grave? Al-le-lu-ia! Love's redeeming work is done, Al-le-lu-ia! Fought the fight, the battle won, Al-le-lu-ia! Death in vain forbids Him rise, Al-le-lu-ia! Christ has opened Paradise, Al-le-lu-ia!" And that really explains Easter. Happy Resurrection Day!
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