September 11 - a day that Americans will never forget. It is one of those days that everyone remembers exactly were they were when they first heard the news of the terror attacks. It was a day that changed our lives forever. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, there are several days that I will always remember where I was when I heard the news ... the end of World War 2 ... the shooting of President Kennedy ... the launching of Sputnik ... the first walk on the moon ... the shooting of President Reagan ... and a few others. But ten years ago I was in my room at school preparing for my next class. For some reason I decided to turn on the television to watch the news before class. Several minutes later I saw the first plane hitting the tower. The remainder of the day my classes of high school juniors watched in stunned silence as the events unfolded before us. There was little that could be said. As I said before, in an instance our lives were changed. During the days that followed, people flocked to churches. It was suddenly politically correct to talk about God and to call on Him for help. There was a spirit felt throughout the nation unlike any we had experienced for years. Security was tightened everywhere and we feel that even today. Wars were fought to try and stop the enemy - many additional lives were lost. But in the years that followed, the wars continued and some security measures affected our freedoms, but for the most part people returned to their previous ways. Religion was no longer important and, in fact, it even become a focal point of attack by many liberals and atheists. How soon we forget. Ten years later we have elaborate services to remember these events, but in New York City, pastors and other religious leaders aren't even allowed to participate. But God is still here and He is in control, no matter what man may do. And I have to believe that the return of the Lord is just on the horizon. We have just gone through a difficult time in this country with earthquakes, wild fires, hurricanes, flooding and unbelievable frustration. This has come at a time when our economy can't afford the billions of dollars involved in these losses. I don't profess to have the answers, but I can't help but wonder if God has withdrawn His hand of blessing and protection from this country. The scriptures remind us that "God is not mocked for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap." Maybe September 11 is a time that each of us should renew our commitment , our love, and our obedience to God the Creator.
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