For my Christmas blog this year I am sharing the words of a song which my wife and I used to sing every other year, for many years, at our Candlelight Service. Since our simple duets were replaced by the music of more talented musicians, this media is the only way to share this Christmas mesage.
(1) Do you worship the babe in the manger,
but reject the Christ of the Cross?
Your redemption comes not by the manger,
but the death of Christ on the Cross.
(2) If you worship the Babe in the manger,
but ignore the blood of God's Son,
to you Christ is only a stranger,
till you trust the work He has done.
(3) Will you look past the Babe in the manger,
will you look to Calvary?
Oh my friend can you see the danger,
of a lost eternity?
The Babe in the manger was God's only Son,
who came to the world to die.
The Babe in the manger could never have done
the work of His God on high.
The Babe left the manger and went to the Cross,
to pay the wages of sin.
Your way of forgiveness is not by the Babe,
but the Christ who died for your sin.
And that is the message of this wonderful day. Have a very merry and blessed Christmas. May you know the joy of forgiveness of sin provided by the Christ on the Cross who came to earth as the Babe in the manger.
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