Welcome to my blog, or should I say to the ramblings of an old man. I doubt that my ramblings are of much value, but at least I have an opportunity to share them.  So, please be kind and humor me. If nothing else of value stands out in these thoughts, I hope that you at least sense the value I place on a daily walk with the Lord.  That walk is what has provided me with motivation and a sense of purpose throughout my lifetime.  My prayer is that you, too, are experiencing this direction and joy in daily living which is available to everyone who puts his trust in Christ.  So, thanks again for joining me.  Please don't go without leaving some comments here so I can get to know you better as our paths intersect today in this blog.

Saturday, February 27, 2021


         Church music has certainly changed over the years.  In my estimation some of the changes have been good but some of them not so good. But I don't intend to discuss these changes once again except for a topic which I mentioned in my blog last week – music about heaven.
          On Christmas we were given a new Roku television and we have enjoyed going to You Tube on that set and watching numerous church services streamed from a variety of churches.  Almost every Sunday morning we "visit" several churches with different worship styles.
           As I mentioned last week I don't recall any of them using hymns or choruses that talk about heaven or the second coming of Christ.  In the "old days" when hymns were sung, almost every one had a final verse which shared the glorious hope of the return of Christ and of heaven.
          Is this no longer an important truth shared by believers today?  Or is it only for us older folks who are nearer to heaven and look forward to being with the Lord and the many relatives and friends who are always there.
          As I thought about the many years we taught children in a variety of situations I knew that this was always an important part of our ministry.  I began to list the many songs about heaven that we used to sing with the children and I decided to give you a test this week.  I am going to list some of them and I want you to see how many you can remember from your childhood and how many you can still sing today.  So here goes.
          We often used visuals from Child Evangelism Fellowship with the children.   One of those was a "one way" sign with the following words:
One way God said to get to Heaven,
Jesus is the only way.
One way to reach those pearly mansions,
Jesus is the only way.
No other way, no other way,
No other way to go.
One way God said to get to Heaven,
Jesus is the only way.
          And another visual was a large watch with the following words:
Watch and be ye ready,
For the Lord may come today.
Watch and be ye ready,
For the Lord may come to day.
He will come again in the clouds for me
And take me home for eternity.
Watch, and be ye ready,
For the Lord may come today.
          A favorite was the visual with the word Salvation and here are those words:
No you can't get to heaven without
Oh you can't get to heaven without
Shout it out!  Loud and clear!
Shout it out! Loud and clear!
          And one that was really enjoyed by the children was "Somewhere In Outer Space".
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1  Blast off!
Somewhere in outer space,
God has prepared a place,
For those who trust Him and obey.
Jesus will come again,
Though we don't know when.
The countdown's getting lower every day.
          Then there was the alphabet song which also taught about heaven and eternity.
A-B-C-D-E-F-G Jesus died for you and me
H-I-J-K-L-M-N Jesus died for sinful men,
O-P-Q-R-S-T-U  I believe God's Word is true
V and W God has promised you
X-Y-Z A home eternally.
Z-Y-X and W V God is watching over me
U-T-S-R-Q-P-O Jesus loves me this I know
N-M-L-K-J and I I will meet him in the sky
H-G-F-E God has promised me
D-C-B-A I'll be with him someday.
          Here is one that we often used to start our programs:
Let's talk about Jesus, let's talk of His love.
Let's talk about Jesus and heaven above.
Let's go about living for Jesus the Lord
Let's. talk about Jesus and live in His Word.
          But I had a favorite chorus about heaven which we all loved to sing – often at the close of our programs.  We would sing it several times, starting out slow and picking up the speed each time. I wish I could hear the kids sing this with enthusiasm once gain.  They especially loved to shout out the last line, "I'm going to heaven and I can't wait!  Can't wait!
I'm going to heaven, can't wait!
Going to see Jesus, can't wait!
Heaven is wonderful, bright and fair,
Praise the Lord I'm going there.
I'll be there forever, can't wait!
Going to leave never, can't wait!
And I know I'll not be late,
'Cause I'm going to heaven and I can't wait.
I'm going to heaven and I can't wait.  Can't wait!
          So are hymns and choruses about heaven still part of your memory?  Do you still listen to them and sing them?  I hope so.


Terri Art-Ortiz said...

I was happy to stumble onto your blog today as I was doing research for my own blog on the gospel song, 'Tis Marvelous and Wonderful. So happy to find someone else who loves and is keeping the old hymns alive! Love these thoughts about Heaven! We certainly had more mentions back in the day! Keep up the research and writing. This world needs these reminders.

Anonymous said...

Nice to have you visit and thanks for your interest in sharing hymns. Check out my other website about hymns. http://barryshymns.blogspot.com