For centuries people have thought that the return of Christ had to be very soon. Some, unfortunately, have even gone as far as to predict dates. Christ has not yet come and those who have set dates have been wrong. Nobody but God the Father knows when it will be. I've never gotten too wrapped up in prophecy, especially when writers and speakers try to label current events as fulfillments of prophecy. I remember as a teen reading books that predicted that current events meant the soon return of the Lord - and that was more than a half century ago. However, as one views our world today, it is hard not to think and hope that His return will be very soon. You look at the economic problems in our country. You see that the financial problems in Greece and now Italy are currently even worse than ours. Maybe there is a growing need for a strong worldwide leader to take over and "straighten" things out. Then you see how rebellions around the Arab world have replaced leaders who may soon be replaced by strict Islamists. And Obama is pulling our troops out of Iraq and we will probably lose all that we had gained there over the years, allowing Iran to become even more powerful as a nuclear threat. That leaves Israel isolated and surrounded by governments which want to destroy them. Again, that certainly fits right into what the scriptures predict for the last days. Then there is the rapid spread of Islam throughout all of Europe and beginning in this country. Christianity is now openly being attacked around the world. Even in this country Christians are quickly losing their freedoms to speak, to share and defend Biblical truth, and in some cases even to worship. And it can only get worse. Now I'm not trying to sound negative, just sharing what I see happening. And if this time it indeed happens to be the fulfillment of what will happen prior to the Lord's return, I say then that the news is actually positive. Several times a year we led hymn sings at Pinebrook Bible Conference. Because of the history of Percy Crawford who began the ministry at Pinebrook, I always try to include a segment called "Pinebrook Echos" where we sing a few hymns and choruses from old Pinebrook song books. Percy had a history of almost annually producing song books filled with them. In preparing for the November sing I found a chorus that I hadn't heard for years and it quickly brought back a flood of memories. I recall hearing this sung so often, especially in prayer meetings when I was growing up. I remember how folks sang it so sincerely and meaningfully. And though I haven't heard it for years, I now can't get it out of my mind. And so I close this blog with these words which may also be the desire of your heart.
I've a longing in my heart for Jesus.
I've a longing in my heart to see His face.
I'm weary, oh so weary, traveling here below,
I've a longing in my heart for Him.
Even so Lord, come quickly! Keep looking up!
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