I was awake very early ... it was Thanksgiving Day ... I had been battling some very unusual and unexplained highs and lows with my sugar and I wasn't feeling the best. We were also facing some additional challenges in the days ahead and these were heavy on my mind. So I decided to get up and head to our enclosed porch and my recliner. There I opened the blinds to watch the spectacular sunrise. I turned on the radio to listen to beautiful praise and thanksgiving songs. I turned on our fireplace to keep warm and I opened and read my Bible. I also spent much time praying and thanking God for His goodness to me. God has been so good. And I shared with Him my concerns about the challenges that we were facing and the needs of many of our family and friends. It was a wonderful start to Thanksgiving Day. Later I got up, dressed and left for my morning walk at Park City. I thought that it might be closed because of the holiday, but I was prepared to walk outside around the complex if that was the case. It was a cool clear morning and I was practically alone while I walked. It was interesting, but sad, to view the bad habits of many shoppers. The lots, empty of cars, were filled with dozens of shopping carts that had been taken, but not returned, from the stores, especially from Kohl's. Food trash was on the ground around some of the trash cans - could folks really miss the large openings in the cans? The worst was the condition of the enclosed "shelter" area for smokers. The container for butts was broken off the wall and the "shelter" was littered with butts and trash. I've always though smokers were some of the dirtiest and least considerate folks I have ever seen. When I came to the Boscov's area I was surprised to see the parking lots full of cars. It was the only store open that morning. And it was busy. Unfortunately I had to walk through groups of smokers on the sidewalks around the store. I also observed a husband and wife (I assume) arguing at their car. He was furious and demanding that she get out of the car. I don't know what the argument was about but I was concerned that it was about to get physical. I decided to keep walking. Incidentally, I did notice a large bumper sticker on the car - "Obama For President". I originally thought that I was the only walker there that morning but on my return loop I saw a man, about my age, that I have seen recently walking inside the mall. He always walks the opposite direction from all the others. He is always alone and is always frowning and looking so sad. I decided that when we passed I would at least say "Good morning". His response was a grunt. I feel so sad for him. Did he lose a spouse? Did he lose his job? Is he facing a health problem? Does he have any friends? Does he know the Lord? My heart goes out to him even though I don't know what his problem may be. I guess Thanksgiving can be a very difficult time if you are depressed, alone, or without hope. From now on when we pass at the mall, I will pray for him. It also helped me put into perspective my situation. I was heading home to spend Thanksgiving with my family. I am so blessed. I do miss the holidays spent with my parents and my in-laws, but I know that they are all having a better time of thanksgiving in heaven. And that is so comforting. Our challenges are still there but I know the God who will grant wisdom, strength, and peace as we go through them with Him. And He has been present with me yesterday and He will be today and tomorrow as well. And maybe that assurance is the thing that I am most thankful for.
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