Are there things happening around you that you just don't seem to understand? Well I can think of many that confuse me, but here are ten of those on my list. (1) Why do Comcast and PNC send me form letters each week inviting me to add their service or take their credit card? Why don't they save the cost of postage and lower my rates or increase the interest they pay? That would be more helpful to me. Instead of supporting the postal service, why not give me, the consumer, a break? ... (2) Last week PPL was installing a new pole a few blocks from our house. There were eight men there - four working, four standing across the street watching. Two hours later I passed them again - four working, one directing traffic and three watching, across the street. About 30 minutes later I drove by again - four working, four watching across the street. Why couldn't the job be done by four instead of eight and then PPL might have been able to lower my rates. ... (3) Why does our local grocery store stock the shelves during the day when they block customers in the aisles? Why not do it early morning or at night? And why don't they stock enough of the weekly sales items so that they don't quickly run out of them? ... (4) Why can the president and other candidates go out and raise multimillions of dollars for their campaigns when the government can't raise enough funds to reduce the terrible national debt. Maybe they should be forced to donate 50% of what they raise to save medicare, or social security, or reduce the national debt. I like that idea. ... (5) Why can't we get serious about trying to become energy independent? While the price of gas soars upwards towards $5.00 a gallon, we can't seem to get new pipelines approved or other alternatives started. ... (6) Why do people continue to text and talk on their cell phones while they are driving? Don't they understand how dangerous that is or do they just think they are immune to accidents? That's somebody else's problem ... (7) Is there any control at all on the costs of drugs. I have a relative that needed medicine to fight a special infection. The cost for a couple of weeks is $1,600. But their insurance said if they purchase a 90 day supply, they can get it for just $25. So I guess they are purchasing the 90 day supply and then throwing out what isn't used. Now does that cost make any sense? ... (8) Another strange cost has to do with airfares. Recently I was checking costs to go to Chicago. I found out that it cost more from Baltimore to Chicago, then it does from Baltimore to Milwaukee which includes a stop in Chicago. Now how does that make any sense? ... (9) Why do people who are struggling financially insist on having several pets? Why wouldn't they use the money spent on the cost of keeping the pets on more important personal things like food, clothing, gasoline, retirement, etc.? ... (10) Why do people come to a viewing and expect to greet the family five minutes before the funeral service is to begin? If you are coming that late, don't try to get into the viewing line. Have some respect for those who are grieving. And speaking of showing respect, I will respect your time and quit for today. Maybe one of these days I'll continue my lists of "whys".. Take care
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