So who are you going to believe? Last fall various weather persons (must be politically correct) made their predictions for the winter weather. Many called for above average precipitation and lower than averages temperatures resulting in considerable snow. Others had different predictions, but I don't recall hearing any of them predict the type of winter we actually had. But then that is a profession where you can be wrong much of the time and everybody accepts your errors. Maybe the only profession with less reliability is baseball where you can fail seven our of ten times at bat and still make millions of dollars. But then in February there were all the ground hogs who made predictions based on the seeing or not seeing of their shadows. They were surrounded by men who annually make fools of themselves dressed in white gowns and doing stupid things. And the verdicts of the many ground hogs? ... Generally six more weeks of winter. And what have we actually had? We've generally had spring like weather. Flowers are popping out of the ground and trees are budding. Many days have been pleasant and warm. Then there is the wooly caterpillar. The only one of these creatures that I saw last fall had a narrow dark band, a light body, and then another narrow band on the other end. I'm not into the business of interpteting caterpillar colors, but I assume that this indicated a very early snow, a mild winter and then a late snow storm. And so far the caterpillar wins the prize. After our October surprise we have had the fourth warmest winter here in history. Now I don't know what to conclude. Could it be that God's little creatures are better predictors than all the wise educated weather people? I do know that they have to be better than the groundhogs and all the crazy people who gather annually to make fools of themselves with the stated purpose of determining future weather. Well, take your choice. The only warning is that if the caterpillar is correct, we could still get another storm. But the band was narrow, so hopefully it won't be as bad as some of the serious March storms that I remember. March snow storms around here are what legends are made of. Hopefully no more legends will be created this winter/spring. And on March 11 daylight savings begins once again. Is your lawnmower serviced and ready to go? Mine is!
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