Guess who talked to us this week? Would you believe Tom Ridge? What about Pat Boone? Or how about Sarah Palin? Yes we've gotten telephone calls from all of them and we will probably receive more from "famous" people before Tuesday. We must suddenly have become famous or popular! Not! Thousands of others received the same calls - recorded calls. And we've gotten too many others as well. But we're not sure who they were since we hung up on them as well. I'm tired of these annoying calls but they will soon end ... until the next election. The calls are almost as annoying as the nasty, negative television advertisements which continue to run ... over and over and over again. They are sickening and demonstrate how nasty our society and politics have become. I've been looking for one candidate who would only run positive ads, promoting just what he or she stands for. I thought that I found one, but then today I saw him revert to a negative ad tearing down his opponent who has been doing the same thing to him. Are there any good people left to run for office? Are there any who are not out for personal gain or fame? Are there any that you can trust? Are there any who are willing to run a clean positive campaign. Unfortunately, I think not. No wonder our once great country is in such bad shape. And then there is incompetence even at the lower levels. In our school district one of the political parties just sent out a brochure to all party registered voters telling them who to vote for and where to vote. For the district where I am Judge of Elections, they incorrectly listed a polling place that hasn't been used in the past six elections. Where have the party leaders been? Didn't anyone proof read the material? So what will the confused voters do when they go to a location that is now a private business? What will happen is, when they find the correct location, they will come and take it out on me and my workers. Some voters are as nasty as the ads that they watch. What a sad state of affairs. Anyway, make sure that you vote. And do me a favor. Thank the poll workers in your precinct for their time and effort. it is a tough job and most work from 6 in the morning to about 10 at night for much less than minimum pay - and no tips. Thankfully this country still has good people who are willing to give of their time to participate in the democratic process - even though it has sunk to this nasty situation. Oh, I better go and answer the telephone - maybe it will be George Bush or Bill Clinton this time. And I don't want to miss the opportunity to also be nasty as I hang up on them.