Birthdays of your grandchildren are always special events. As I've shared here before, since all of our grandchildren live close by, we celebrate each with a special family dinner. The "honored guest" is allowed to choose the menu for the meal. So far we've had three birthdays in 2011, honoring our 13, 15 and 17 year olds. In another month it will be our 19 year old. It is so hard to believe that they are already that old. Time sure flies! Incidentally our meals so far this year have featured pizza and chicken pot pie as well as special vegetables and salads and of course cakes of their choosing. While physical birthdays can be fun, we all have them. There is another type of birthday that unfortunately not everyone has - that is a spiritual birthday. And this is really the more important birthday of the two types because it determines our eternal destiny. Last week I received an e-mail from my youngest son. He gave me a riddle to solve. What is 7 for 7? I guessed incorrectly a number of things. Then he replied that it meant the number of our grandchildren who have now accepted Christ as their Savior. He went on to tell me that a few days previously our youngest grandson had accepted Christ. What precious news that was. All seven, from 4 to 19, have now done this and in addition to being my grandchildren, they are now my brothers and sisters in Christ. Now I am sure that there are a few readers who will question how a four year old could make such a decision. I don't think Jesus would question that for he said "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God". Joining God's family is a matter of simple faith that a child can understand. Adults tend to make this gift much more difficult. Actually I was only two months past my fourth birthday when my Aunt Ellen led me to the Lord. I didn't know much about doctrine then (and I still have much to learn), but I knew I had sinned and that Jesus died for my sins. I knew He would forgive me and help me to live a life that pleased Him. And I really believe that I became a member of His eternal family that day. Some Christian authorities say that a child's world view is formed by the time the child is five or six. Others say by the time the child is twelve. No matter who is correct, I believe that a child can in simple faith accept Christ. Most Christians are converted before the age of twelve. That is why I think ministry to children is so vital and so neglected in most churches. The feeling is that anybody can teach children. And that is sad. But I am thrilled that I can now look forward to having my seven grandchildren stand with me before God's Throne in heaven. That is the most important news a grandparent can receive. There is a little known song that I heard years ago that should be the prayer of every parent and grandparent. I've shared it with my grandchildren and I shared it at my father's funeral. Here are just a few of the words for you to think about today.
It's not an easy load you're bearing,
But the trials of your faith will make you strong.
Facing dangers unaware, He won't allow what you can't bear.
So my prayer is that your faith will bring you home.
So just be there when I finally make it home,
And I stand before the throne, Just be there!
When I look around to see, if you are standing next to me,
Just be there!
Will you be standing close to me? Just be there!
Words and music by Paula Bray
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